CorelDraw Software Exporting the Image to CMYK (Part 6) Step by Step Video Tutorial
coreldraw export image cmyk
In this last part of the process we are going to be looking at exporting the image in the correct way.
When it comes to exporting the image, there is one very important step not to be missed, otherwise it will undo the final outcome.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next we will cover another method of replacing the K channel.
Previous video covered Adding Fake Key to CMY.
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Video Transcript
Hey, guys. In today's video in Coral Draw, we're gonna be looking at exporting our made image to C. M. Y with a fake K. And this is gonna be quite an important step for your actual printing use afterwards. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have the updates now, otherwise we head back into the programming. So now, as you guys can remember, we, uh, made this little image. We duplicated it and we put a fake K. Now we're gonna be looking at exporting this so we can actually use it for print because it doesn't help. We go and export it to something like r GB or, um, something on that line where it adds k back to it. And then when you're printing, it's still gonna have your black missing because it's gonna convert it back to black. So now what we're gonna do is I like to keep my, um, sub folder for the layers selected. So we've got our images. We've got our normal one without a K, and then we've got our fake K. I like to click the layer. Just on top of that, the one that they're in the box one just to make sure, um, that is selected. Or what you can do is you click and you will shift and you click both the layers. I've had it before where it only exported one layer. I'm not sure how that works. So I like to now do this just, um, to make sure. And then what I wanna do is I'm gonna go to the file menu on top. So our main menu and we're gonna go file, and then we're gonna navigate down not to save, but to export. So I'm gonna click on this normal export not to export four short cut. As you can see, there is control E. So I'm gonna click export and then select where I want to export to. I already have a file here for CD for coral draw and then c m y. So I know this is the actual one where I remove the K. Now, the format, unfortunately, is quite important. Um, I found that the normal JPEG works very well. JPEG the JPEG bit map because it allows me to be able to export it to AC m y k. Then what I do is click on Export, say yes to override, and then it's gonna give me a few options to set its gonna draw a little preview here. Now, this can take a bit of a while, depending on your system. And this will also, uh, um, the the actual settings will vary if you go on custom or I or so forth. And then once that is set, you can navigate and see what the actual preview is gonna look like. Like I said, it's gonna look a little bit different from what the programme is displaying here. But we'll look at now how to get a bit more solid black. Then the most important step over here is under the settings. We want to go to colour mode and set it to C m Y K. So we've got the grey scale r GB and C Y k. If you go to Grey Scale, the r GB, it's gonna add a new fake black. So, like I said, make sure you say C M Y k and you might be tempted to click on the little eye dropper and see what's the black here and at the bottom. Here, you will see it's already saying this, K. But don't worry. This is kind of, um just a representation of what I can see and not what it is actually there. So with all of this selected just like this, I think everything is default. Other than I've set the mode to C M Y k, I'm gonna say OK, and then that will export it for us. Now, if you wanna before we quickly test the K. If you want to make it a little bit darker, then what I find helps is you select this top, um, layer that we use for black. I'm gonna go control C or you can right click and copy and then control V or right click and paste. Now you can see it emphasise the black even more. So now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna quickly export this one or let's just select our layers again. I'm gonna go file. I'll do all of this very quickly because we've already done it. Click on the image and then I'm gonna type gear behind at times to export, and then all my settings should be the same. So C m Y k So I'm gonna say OK, I don't need to see the preview of that. So now what I want to do is to confirm that there is no k in the final image. So when we send you the printers, we know the problem. If there's a problem, it's not on our side. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna use a different programme. You can use draw as all but I'm just going for this demonstration. Use Photoshop so you can see we all another programme. You know what I can do is go open, and then I'm gonna select the first one C m Y first one. We did open it. Yeah, and then wait for it to load it Like like I mentioned, you can see the black is a bit washed out, but this is way better than having no black as, um, this is kind of a hack to add a fake black. So now with my colour picker selected and we've got a that, uh colour palette here on the top. I'm just gonna set the K up so we can see there is a K. And then what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select the black click that and then you will see it samples for us and tells us that there is zero black, which is exactly what we wanted. So all the dark colours and zero, it's using zero black. It's only using colour to make it that dark, which is quite impressive. Now what I'm gonna do is let's open the second one quick so we can just see the difference when we duplicate it. So the times two So this one, we duplicate the multiply layer just to kind of get an idea of the difference. So I'm gonna zoom in you as well, and we just hop between the two because then the result is not that noticeably. But you can see there by the face, especially we gain some detail there, so there is a great way to get a little bit more contrast. So we simply just duplicate that multiply layer that we create. I hate it, but yeah, otherwise that is it. On faking the c m Y k. Now there's another method I'm gonna be showing. It's maybe a little bit more simple, depending on, um, you know how you go about It's definitely gonna be quicker for the tutorial sake, because we don't have to cover all the theory. But, um, this is another legit method. Maybe this first one doesn't work. Or maybe you prefer the second method, which is second one is kind of more the method we'll be using when using something like Photoshop. Yeah, otherwise, before that, though, if we head you to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers
This article is part of our “Large Format Printer Printhead colour channel manipulation workflow” – see the article for more info.