VinylCut 5 Software In-Depth Merge Tool and its Strengths, a Step by Step Video Guide

vinylcut merge tool in depth
The Merge function is used to combine individual paths, curves, and lines into a single shape.
This is basically the opposite function to the Break Apart in the VinylCut 5 Software.
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Video Transcript
Yeah. Hi there, guys. In today's video, I'll cut. We'll be looking at the Merge two, but let's have a quick intro first. Mm. So today's video can be found on r seal today, Um, we do have a variety of different software to do cover, and also we upload videos daily. Just keep it there for a new content. Otherwise, we're back in the programme here. Now we have covered the merge tool in a few past videos, but not in depth. It was kind of comparing it with other things. So today we'll be looking at just emerging itself. So a few things to know about merge. If you merge things together, they become basically a single shape or a single shape on your layers on that. So they are no longer in the visual where if you use a group of things like that, I'll throw into a folder and you can easily edit it. So then, um, let's quickly look at a few different now, things that I can do and also what you look Kate. So to locate the merge, obviously you will need more than one object selected for emerged to work So if we select these three little triangles RGB then to locate it, we can go here to object and then you go down till you find the merge. A shortcut for that is also control shift B. Another way you can do that is your right click and then you go down the menu to merge. Now we're looking at our layers panel on the right. We can see the RGB individual little layers. I've done folder. It will also merge it down and then ultimately will merger down to one layer and in return, they will lose their individual colours because they will turn into one shape a single ship now in the design world, kind of see name it as a destructive editing. So, in other words, to undo it, you don't simply put it out of a group or folder, and you kind of have to re break it apart, get it its original colours. And so So we try this, we right click and we go to merge, as we see now in Elia's panel. Let's change the layer name to merge, and it's given it one colour, which will be its, um kind of How do you put it? I want to say the parent, but it's actually more child, so it's a layer right on top. So if we quickly just undo that and say, Well, put green on top, select all of these. So now this layer is actually higher than all the rest, right? Click and go merch. Now you'll see all of them is green, so you can keep that in mind when you're actually merging objects. Then another feature is quite unique to the merge. Is the child object? In other words, object on top of another object. Well, act make cut out into the bottom object. So we had to take the star and put on top of this other shape. Then, as you can see now, it's higher than it and you're on our layers panel. We can see it is higher than the blue object or shape. Now, if we select both of them and then we go to object, we go to merge. Then we'll see. Once again. It took the colour of the top one, but now it's actually made a cut out of the top shape. So, in other words, the child so If we take this shape and we move over these, you can see you can actually see right through it. So it's actually made a cut out of it. So the handy tool like that if you're trying to make cutouts of shapes and keep in mind if you want, you can always go object and then break apart. And what that will do. They will kind of break those two objects apart. Another star shape. We're going to this folder still there. It's just it's changes colour back to the or it's left at its colour. It was when I was marched. So if we had to change this, let's say to library, you can see the shapes are back there. Once again, you can always select them, repeat the process in the merge, and then we'll make a cut out of whichever shape is higher than the previous one. So, yeah, that is that on merging very handy tool. You'll find yourself using it a lot if you on a more finalise your designs. But otherwise, if we hate here to final cut at 00, the programme is really available here. Just head to the downloads page otherwise, if you guys go to Uh, like I mentioned, we've got a variety of different softest. We do cover, as you can see here. And also, you can isolate your search, Looking for anything specific, just going into the top of right. And then, uh, if you still run dry, you don't find what you're looking for. You can always go to request a training video, and then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and choose.