It is always good to know how to customize your program to fit your design needs.
Being able to set the Nudge and Arrow Key Increment amounts, and also by how much percent the rotation gets constrained by, will make your work environment a more pleasant place to work in.
This video is part of a mini series. Next video we’ll be looking at the Edit Tab (Part 2). Previous video covered the General Tab for the Preferences
But you guys in today's video, I'll cut. We've been looking at the pet tap, One of the preferences. Do you have a quick intro first, So today's video can be found on Today we have a variety of different Softwares. We do cover, and also we upload videos daily. So just keep it there for a new content. Otherwise, back in the programme. Yeah, So now I just reminder, this is a, uh this is the second part to the preferences. In previous video, we covered the general tab, so I'll leave a link in the description to that. Otherwise, yeah, let's head back to the preferences were quite a few things we have to cover. So to locate it, get your top menu to edit, we navigate down to preferences and under the preferences, we have a few options. We'll get you the edit tab and then let's just quickly have a quick overview of these options, and then we'll run through them to see what they do. This one, we've got constraint angle. So this is when you rotating a shape or something and you keep the constraint button in with how many degrees we're gonna strain it, and then we've got the nudge. When you're using the nudge tool and how many like a I'll be affected. We've got a key instrument. Uh, this will also be similar to the nuts. But just when you use your arrow keys and we've got to keep objects on Matt when dragging covering that keep proportions as default, then do not keep abortions on free transform. And then, uh, default shadow size. So if you're using shadows a lot, you've got automatically simplify shapes, Um, and then the simplified threshold. And then lastly, here, we have never full, um, open paths. So let's really start with the top three salon. So we've got the constraint angle. So now if we cancel it here, if we select a shape and we use the little rotate button top year and, uh, were rotated, then if you keep the concern button, image will be shift. You will see here this thing turns and 15 degree angles. So now if we zoom here at the bottom, you can see that rotation is 15 degrees. So now if we had to go back to edit preferences General to, we're saying, let's say we make this, like, 45. Okay, now we do the same thing. You will see. It jumps to 45. It's your first angle. If you constrain, you can see that from the bottom so I can do that. Then the next option. Here we go again To edit preferences and edit again is the no touch the moment. It is set to 0.0 10, um, of an inch. And, um, if you do set your units, it will be too. Let's say two centimetres and millimetres. This will be relevant as well. If you got your document, you got your units and you said it from inches to sending this and so forth. Now, having this shape selected and let's go to our position and size panel, I'm just gonna round off the so I'm gonna make the wife or and make the ex eight just so we can see the affecting place. So now if I zoom in here and we use the nudge, nudge is normally used. If you want to do very fine movement adjustments, if we move it to the right, you can see they point you're a 10 of an inch. It has moved it hardly see it on the campus. That's a little it is now, obviously, if you adjust that do anything else, then it will set it. According now, the Iraqi increments. As you can see, this is 0.1 change. So now if you select your object and your arrow keys on your keyboard and you go left and right, you won't see it updating here, I'm told you have, um, un selected and re selected the shape. I'm not sure why, but now we can see there standpoint 100 0.1 and back. So obviously, once again, if you said that to anything else, then it will use that sitting in state. Then I'm seeing the video is running a bit later or long, so we'll be covering the next settings in the next video. Otherwise, if we head over to, uh, why not cut out to the programme is freely available there. Just hit your downloads page. Otherwise, if you guys never get your ero, Um, like I mentioned, we've got a variety of different Softwares who do cover. We also have this nice little search options. If you want to isolate just search. So you're looking for anything specific. You just type in there. Otherwise, if we don't find what you're looking for, just go here to request the training video, and then we'll make that boy. Otherwise I will see you guys in the next video and shares. 18:22:002025-01-07 21:10:40VinylCut 5 a Look at the Edit Tabs Preferences (Part 2) Edit Tab Preferences Mini-Series