How are you guys? In today's video? We're gonna be looking at your view sub menu located under your main main. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm, So today's video can be found on z. We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, back in your programme here. So now just a quick reminder this season miniseries on the main menu and I will also leave relevant links in description so you guys can actually follow it along. Now, when it comes to the view menu, this is, uh, mostly relevant for your user interface display. So all these extra little, um, bars and, uh, system plates and stuff like that that you see you can switch on and off under your view menu. Now, the quick way to access your view money is simply pressing old plus the shortcut there, which we can see. We or we can simply also click on it under here. You'll see we've got quite a few different bars. It does help if you go through these to try familiarise yourself with what bar is called what and then also you will notice by default, Cut in and bar cut in and out Bar is disabled. Course enable that, but you don't use it as often here at the bottom. So, um, I'll just keep mine off. Otherwise, yeah, it's a rather simple, um, also with the menu. Obviously, if it's got a cheque box and a blue box there, that means it is enabled. If we had to click that, we will see it removes it, and it is now clear. Yeah, so it's not enabled to enjoy something, click it again and re enable it. Otherwise, if we had to head year to you guys will notice. We've got a variety of different software to recover, and also you can isolate your search on the top of right. Just simply taught me doing for hit the magnifying glass button, and it will try and find it for you. If it does not, however, find any results or relevant to what you're looking for. You always go here a request of training video filling the meaning form of what you're looking for. Then we will make that video for you, but otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers 13:30:202024-08-30 07:15:08TruCUT RDWorks Quick Overview of the View Menu (Part 8) Main Menu Window Mini-Series