hi guys. In today's video, we're going to be looking at creating, or so so the process of creating a vector type of library. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Yeah, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, back in the programme here now, just so you guys know this is the second part of the process. The first one we looked at making arrested type library. Today we're gonna be looking at making a bet. Now I'm gonna speed through this process if any time you can pause, rewind or just go through the full course again. If you're not sure about the process where we've covered everything in depth, this will be pretty much is to show you what the actual process will be looking like when you're actually working with it and the kind of important aspects to look at because you won't be always using everything when you're using this feature. So now, first of all, what I wanna do is I'll start a new project, But I'm gonna open one. This is where our shapes are gonna be. So this is where you create your vector shapes. I'm just gonna create a circle just for speed. We'll set the size here because it will be relevant to what imports it as a default. And I'm just gonna keep all of my the same. I need to save it, save it. And more important part is exporting it. So I'm gonna export. Then we call this maybe, you know, shape test exported its AI file, which is really important. And then we say, Save. Replace that. Yes. Saving successful. Great. Okay, go to file. Go open our previous project. Now, what we wanna do is we want to go to our main menu, open the image library under file. Then I want to add a new library before so we go new library. Click that. Name it. I'm gonna call this vector lib, So I know this is from my vector shapes. Say Okay, now we've got the library, then a good practises. We go and save this and then you can do it after you're done with your work. But if anything happens in the Meanwhile at least the library is created. So I'm gonna call this same as we did. Victor, Look, it's a save. Then we want to add that vector shape. So in order to do that, we go to import, Then we locate that shapes test. As you can see on our preview, this is the sphere. I was sorry. The circle put that in. And then now it's important to drag and drop this into your canvas. And with the selected, we go back to our vector lip or vector library. It's a add image, and then we give her name. It's gonna go. Just get see for now. So we know what it stands for. Then we've got it in here, and like I mentioned, then the important part is to save it again. So obviously, after you've done all your images, you can save in between as well. But, uh, I'm just easier just to save it. After every change you've made, I'm gonna remove this circle. Then this thing is ready for importing. I can either get input all. If there's many graphics, then we'll invite all those different victims shapes. Well, I can simply just click this dragon drop it in and will create it. And like I mentioned before, if you want it, you can also set the scale so we can go here, um said Original scale off and then said new custom amount and then just drag and drop that it will automatically keep the new scale you've set, then a good practises. Also, we delete the old library that we used to import that shape. So now we only have our victor library with our shapes. It's nice and clean. Easy for working. Yeah, so that concludes this video. And I think the miniseries as well. So thank you guys for joining me. I know there's lots of videos are a bit of a rush, but that's just to kind of share the actual process of the workflow. So otherwise, we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. That's the other. Today you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go here to request a training video, fill in the uniform and then, yeah, we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers
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