TruCUT RDWorks the LGP Tools Location Draw Bar (Part 8) LGP Design Video Mini-Series
rdworks lgp tools
The Light Guide Plate (LGP) Tool, or also known as the Line of Light into a uniform luminous surface.
The technology or method used is commonly found in the way laptop computer monitors work, which converts the light source from the side of the surface.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers DFC Tools.
Previous video covered Capture Tool.
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Video Transcript
Okay, guys, in today's video, we're gonna have a quick look at the LGBT design tool that's located under your draw bar. And this will be four. True, that already works. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm mm mm. Mhm. So today's video can be found on We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates that was back in the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the draw bar which look at on the left here. And also we will leave relevant links in description so you guys can follow along alright for any reason your bars not here and you are new to the series. You can open it by going to your top main menu to view. And then, you know, we have to draw bar and make sure that cheque boxes on. So then, um, when it comes to the hell PG, um, design, it's actually since my light guide plate. And, uh, it's a rather complex topic this, but it's kind of a different method of laser cutting. You can say for, uh, uh, certain types of displays. You can say it's quite popular and something like laptops, the way their screens work where the light actually eats it from the sides. And then it's got this law cutaways or, um, that receive the light that's they use it in a lot of different things. It's also quite popular and something like light boxes. Um, but yeah, if you're not too sure, you can always google some more a bit about older technology, but it's still well, rather not older. Cheryl say it is. Um, it's not a well known technology, but if you're in the in, the actual industry is quite popular. You should know what it means, but like I didn't mention, it is quite a complex thing. Like if you had to google it or YouTubers, you'll notice that it's quite hard finding a lot of information on it, other than just a quick description or some video of someone doing it without explaining what's it about. So but yeah, that is, um, the L. P G design where it's located is here on your draw bar and the left, and you can see a rectangle or square with all those little dots. That's pretty much what it's going to be doing is gonna make hundreds and hundreds, maybe thousands, of these thoughts that react to the light when it hits it. And then, yeah, So if you have to click it, um, as you guys can see, it's a rather complex tool, and we'll try to run into it in more depth in the future, as this is just the overview. Otherwise, yeah, that is it on the L. P G design tool For now, if we are to ahead year to got together today. You guys are nuts. We've got a variety of different software to discover, and also you can isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, fine we're killing. Before I just go here, request the training video, and then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers