To have a normal paste and then a paste in place one could ask why have two separate option that does nearly the same thing?
Well a very common and rather frustrating problem in vector based programs is to have multiple object laying on top of each other, and then wandering why you having difficulties with the final design or print. So to have the standard paste option not have thing paste in place is a great way to avoid this common problem.
Hi there, guys. In today's video, I'm going to show you the option paste in place using final cut software. Today's video can be found on hat Seo s website has lots of videos about how to solve specific software problems in real use cases. New videos uploaded daily. Okay, now, once we're in final cut and that's why we have these glasses, then we want to start by making sure we've got a copy of it so we can actually taste it. But now, if we paste, you will notice that it is of centred. It's delete this one. Let's say we wanted to make these glasses with a drop shadow or something. So let's take them. They already copied who go to our style panel style, and we put Shadow blacked out. Then you'll see now they're solid and they've got a bit of a border. And once again, if we click, paste will be off centred. So it's not quite the desire to effect we're looking for. You will now have to custom remove this, and it's a bit of a mission. Otherwise we can do is we delete that again and we go on top. Year two edit. And then we look for pace in place. Shortcut control, shift V. Now we can see that it is basted it nicely over the original copy. Yeah, well, thank you for watching this video. For more videos like this visit Got the other day. You can easily navigate by a software name version and select the topic. You would like to watch you search a challenge you're facing. If you do not find the answers you're looking for, you can also submit a request here so we can make the video for you. So next time. Cheers. 19:43:122025-01-10 11:50:31VinylCut 5 Software Paste in Place for Accurate Vector Editing, Step by Step Video Guide