How to potion your print so that the final design print looks and fits the paper or vinyl best.
The great thing about this feature is that you are able to isolate a selected part of your design, and then reposition that for a final print on its own.
Hi guys. In today's video flexi starter, we're gonna be looking at the position option under the print feature. But before this, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video Can we find a z. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we have daily updates otherwise back in the programme. Yeah. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on printing or working with, uh, printing to files. Uh, specifically, in our case, the pdf and I'll also get rid of them links and description so you guys can actually follow it along now, Like I mentioned the intro, we're gonna be looking at the position options. So in order to do that, I'm just gonna select this so we can position this throughout our principal area. And then what we can do is we either go to file print. Oh, we just hit control p as a shortcut to say yes to re adjust the settings. Now, for the sake of this, um, or shares under normal printing, it is going to kind of try align your position according to the border. So the border of your design, but for the sake of this sample, I'm gonna isolate it. So we're gonna go selection only. So we've got this and then I'm gonna sit the scale to scale and then, yeah, that looks so much that I thought we can follow. So now what we wanna do is get your position here. You'll see we get a few options as I change it. You will see here on the top preview, we will have update so we can start with the most top centre, which is centre. So this opposition your design around the centre, then we've got top left called a top centre and then top. Right. Then we've got left centre and then obviously centre, which we started with then we've got right centre. And as you can imagine, we've got bottom left, bottom centre and bottom, right. We also have original, so that's kind of where it was placed on the design. As you can see, that and then we lost. When we have here is custom now are the custom works. As you see, we've got settings here offset for X and y. So it is gonna, in the case of X which is horizontal and y, which is very cool. It's going to adjust it from the so the furthest left point of our shape to the left point of our page. As we increase this, you can see had, um, custom. We adjusted the size between these two. So at the moment is 20.7 of an inch the same with top or the way offset will be working with the top. So the top of our design and the top of the actual paper or design principle area. So as you can see that this is great if you want to get an exact position, and then you can always go to custom on the position and type in the values you're looking for. But otherwise that is it on the opposition for the print, uh, Prince of File. If we had year to t Seattle's, if you guys don't notice, you've got a variety of different software to recover, and also you can isolate research on the top, right? If you do not, however, find what you're looking for just a year request a training video and we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers 13:25:262024-08-29 08:28:44SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Positioning of the Design (Part 7) Printing to a PDF Mini-Series