SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Addition and Subtraction (Part 7) Unit Values Video Mini-Series
flexistarter addition subtract mathematics
Being able to do basic mathematics in programs that works with measurements will speedup calculations and the overall precision of the design.
Now with the Adding and Subtracting for values you are quickly able to calculate the measurements, and the great thing is that they also work with point decibels.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered Division and Multiply.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys, today's video flexi starter We're gonna be looking at adding subtracting values for units. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be fun on hat's here today. We'll make sure it's easy to watch project solving videos, updates daily. Otherwise back in the programme. Yet so now just reminded. This is a miniseries on units and calculations, and we've covered quite a few of the different formulas. And today we'll be looking at adding and subtracting. And I will also leave relevant election description so you guys can follow along now. Keep in mind most of these values or these are calculations, should work on any feel that you can enter numbers that are said two inches centimetres and so forth. But in this example, I'm gonna just select this little shape, make a copy of it pasted year. So now, under our design central, if we go, I'll just stick to one or two of these. So let's start with the with. So let's say now you can go, um, at the back of it, you pressure minus sign and then we say, minus by one and you'll say it is just hosted by and the entire and one you can obviously, Then go plus and we say said one again. So we're back to to. But also keep in mind you can go point decimal. So let's say we want to minus this by 1.5. So then, uh, just a good thing to keep in mind as you want to press one and then comma five. So it's not 1.5 is one comma five and then when you press into it will change that for you to one comma. Five. Yeah, then same with plus thing. You can do the same thing so you can go. Plus by Let's say I'm comma five. Sure what's happening If something is on my laptops mouse? So let's go. So this was on one, and then this was 10.5. So let's go, Um, plus comma five. And then we've got it back to one. So just just something to keep in mind. You can work with point decimal as well, and then also a nice little trick to remember. So let's say you we wanna plus this by one, and you don't want to press into every time you can always just press tab and we'll go to the next value. So we go. Plus, um, that's one breast tab and then ultimately updated. So if you have got a few values to update, you can just run through them like that. And like we mentioned in the previous video, you can also add combinations of kids. The point is, we can go minus, let's say five, and then a plus 39 will calculate that for us on to press enter. This obviously also works with multiplication and division as well. So you can. I have quite a variety of different things you put in, and then we calculated and keep on saying mind that works in a sequence of order from left to right. So first, calculate this one, then the next one, then the next one, and then you'll get your final result. Once you've done no. Otherwise, yeah, I think that just about concludes this with miniseries on units and calculation. Thank you guys for following along. Otherwise, we had here to Uh, we've got a variety of different software to cover, and also you can isolate your search by going to a search power if you want to look for anything specific without navigating through the list of videos. But if you don't find what you're looking for, we also have this nice little option here. Requested training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers, Yes.