SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Design Area Basic Controls to Navigate it, a Step by Step Video
flexistarter design area navigation
When it comes to navigating the work space (Design Area), few things keep it as efficient as being able to use the mouse.
So now with the combination of a few keyboard controls, you are able to easily and efficiently navigate the design area to save you more time for designing.
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Video Transcript
Okay. Hi there, guys. In today's video Flexi Starter, we're gonna be looking at navigating your design area with a mouse. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be fun of Today we have a variety of different Softwares. We do cover, and also we upload training videos daily. So just by there for a new contract. Otherwise we're back on the programme. Yeah, I've kind of had an overview of the design area and some basic navigation, but today we're gonna go more in depth with actually navigating the design area with your mouse. So first of all, let's look at the panic. So let's say you wanna, uh, pan left or right up or down. So what did you do that? Just hold your mouse wheel in your middle mouse and then you move it right or left. If you want to move around, then next up we have zoom. So if you want to zoom into a specific area, can we use control and then use your mouse wheel forward tombs in back zooms out. Keep in mind this is relative to where your mouse courser is, so if you were the D, it will zoom towards the D. So now if we combine this with the holding the mouse middle mouse, but it ends. And obviously, if you leave your control and you hold your middle mouse button, then we can navigate or pan on the actual design. So if you're working up close, this is quite handy. Then. Another way of panning without having to use your middle mouse button is with your shift and control or sorry shifting part. So if we keep shifting and we use our mouse wheel so we will up, you'll see it pans to the right if we wheel down while keeping shifting depends on the left. Get saltine. We mouse wheel down while in will pan down. And likewise, if we use our wheels up, will pick up and then just out again. So that is, Yeah, the basics are navigating with your mouth, so want skin. Just a quick recap. You can keep your middle mouse button into pan around, so if you move your mouse while it's in, then we've got the control. If you use control with your mouth wheel combination, then we'll zoom in and out shift, plus a mouse will pan left and right horizontally and salt pan up and down with your mouth will and very clear. So then, yeah, that is the basis on the navigation. Otherwise, if we head here to gether today, you guys can find this video More videos like it. And like I mentioned in the intro video, we have a variety of software to recover, as you can see. Yeah. And then, if you don't want to manually navigate through all the videos to find what you're looking for, you can always go on top of it to the search option. Just type in what you're looking for. A little magnifying glass. But then it will share the results. But if it still runs, try and then find what you're looking for even after that. Then just go to request a training video, but in the mini form. And then we will make that video fog. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and choose