FabriCAM Sub Menu Update from the Main Menu GUI (Part 5) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam sub menu update
Next up on our Main Menu GUI is the Update Menu, This menu is very useful when working with tools that can be found on the Secondary Toolbar.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that has an overview of the Main Menus items.
Next video covers Menu – Cost Estimation.
Previous video covered FabriCAM Main Menu – Phases.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at your main menu, the sub menu for that. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure it's easy to watch problem solving videos, and we have daily updates. Otherwise, back to the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the graphical user interface and currently we're looking at the main menu. So now, uh, in today's one, we're gonna be looking at the update menu. Just do menu for you guys. You can have a better look and then, uh, yeah, so it is the third menu update, and then we've got a number of things under here. You will notice most of these are greyed out. There's about three of them. It's not, and then they will become active, depending on what you're doing. So, for instance, if I have a shape selected here in my sheet metal, but you update and I'll see most of the top ones are available. But you might also have noticed on your secondary toolbar a lot of these things also became available. As you see the grade R selected, they become available. So that really is a hint that most of what you'll find under this update menu not all of it but 90% of it you'll be finding on this toolbar as wow. So, uh, if, uh, you don't use the tool tips like we mentioned previously in another video, you can always just go your update and go find the tool you're looking for. Now there's quite a number of them. So we will go through each individual in depth and future videos, and then also a few practical and how to finally use it all together. But yeah, otherwise that is it. On the update menu, you'll pretty much find everything like I mentioned on your secondary toolbar. So just as a quick recap, but yeah, otherwise, if we head to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares. We recover, and you can also update your isolate your search here on the top of right. If you don't know, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go, Yeah, request the training video, filling them in uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching until next one just