All right, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at part number 52 from our intermediate flat part. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on We make sure we need you to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Otherwise, if we head back into the programme here now, like I said, we're gonna be looking at part 52 now. And I'm sure by now you guys are quite tired of viewing different parts. So, like I mentioned it, at any point, you feel like Okay, you've got this. Um, you can always move on to the next miniseries, maybe the advanced parts. Or you can even skip that entirely. This is just to give you a nice, thorough foundation. So by the time you started working with the part, it is really like the back of your hand. But yeah, Otherwise, if we go to flat part here, we're gonna go now to P um 52. Now, there's a little bit more of a complicated part as if I look at the example here. You can see, even though it also only has four parts. Uh, calculating this one can get a bit more tricky. Uh, so make sure you have your measurements nicely worked out beforehand. You can obviously use this to preview it, but yeah, Like I said, it's slightly a bit more tricky shape or part. So now on top here, we've got a which will be setting the width of your overall shape. And then we've got B, which is the height, the nice thing years, which makes it not so complicated. If you can see, See here as both connected, so adjusting C will adjust both these corners. And then we've got an s as well, which will do a bit of a cutaway here at the bottom at a 45 times 45 degrees. Now, I'm just gonna once again putting some random information or not so random, just keeping the size similar to the rest. So let's go over about 300 but 200 and then the C I'm gonna make about 50 you know, obviously preview to see. Make sure it's fine. And then s, um yeah, let's also go about 50. Keep that the same at first leave. The name is saying it's got a preview. Yeah, we can see the cut out and obviously keep in mind with this 45 degree. Um, the higher we said it, the more the angle it's gonna go. So I figure about 90 you can see the angle, so it's becoming a bit more extreme. So but I'm gonna set this back to 50 and then, yeah, obviously try to keep these values within your overall shape, and then you should be fine. If the name is same, say okay, manual quantity, one say at. And then he had this to our actual canvas. And here we go. What the new shape to how cutting flight? Because there's a bit more complex shape. If you have to look at it, you'll notice it's a bit of a rectangle, and then what they do is they basically make to cut outs, have a cut out at the bottom of the bottom corner and cut out on the top corner. So with playing, you couldn't make a rectangle with a shampoo, basically at the bottom left and bottom right if you want to. So that's pretty much just behind the scenes, you know, and what's kind of happening with this shape, but yeah, otherwise, if we head here to z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we discover we can also isolate. You're searching on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to simply go here requested training, video, filling the form. And then we'll do our best to make that for you, but otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and choose. 13:18:212025-01-08 03:40:31FabriCAM Software P52 Flat Part Complex Rectangle (Part 24) Step by Step Video Tutorial