FabriCAM Software CAD Straight Lines Tool Option (Part 1) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam cad straight lines tool
When it comes to different tools available for the CAD feature to build shapes, the Lines are one of the most useful.
Also when it comes to basic primitive shapes, you should notice that most of them consist out of a combination of straight lines.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Lines – Two Point Line.
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Video Transcript
How are you guys? In today's video? We're gonna be looking at how to use the straight lines tool found in the cat feature. And this will be for fabric camp software. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Yeah. Hm. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're heading to the programme here. So now this is gonna be a miniseries on the lines tool and how we can use it. Now, If you're not in cat, I would recommend go to CAD. So if you're not, you can just simply click on this cat icon will take you into the cat feature, and then we can go from there. So now the line tools is located here next to the save button. So if I open here, click on this little arrow or just on the icon, you'll see we've got the two options. We've got a line and then we've got a line two points. Now we will first be looking at the line itself to work. That and then the line two points. So now with the line, if you want to use this feature every time after you've used it, you have to click on it. If you wanna use it again and click on the line, unfortunately, doesn't keep it active or, uh, just like a button. You have to select which one you want every time. Now with that being said after you've collected, you don't have to click the positioning of the year on the top, right? So you can simply just click here on the actual working area, and it will pop us up some options. Now, under these options, we've got one and a two, as you can see that so the one represents 10.1 and the two will be for the second point of the line. So you know, you can obviously make this horizontal, vertical or any other direction you want. And it is relevant also to this, uh, what you call it, the measurements you see at the bottom here so you can look manually from this point to that point, what is it? And type it in, or what you can do is you can just if you haven't already written down. You can just use those. Infamous. So what I'm gonna do for this video, I'm gonna make a join a few lines so we can see the process. Uh, that works our first line of 0.1. I'm gonna leave 00. So that's the starting point of this line. Then I'm gonna set X. I'm gonna make this 100. So this is the second point of the line and the height. I'm gonna leave zero. So it's just the horizontal line. Say okay. And then, as we can see here, it's added to our bottom here. Now, let's add another one going from the bottom to the top here, I'm going to click the line again. Click on the back. Now, the 10.1 this time stays the same because we want the origin point here. And then 0.0.2, however, we're gonna be changing. So I'm gonna make the y. I'm gonna make this 100 so it's gonna go up and the X I'm gonna leave zero. So if I say okay, we'll see. I just added us another line joint to that one. This ad one top going to the right. Um, just so we can see this effect again. So now this time, our first point will change because it's no longer down here. It's right on top of there. So now what you wanna do is your Why you wanna set 101 100 high. The X will be the same because we want it in line with this vertical, um, area and then the 0.2. However, we're gonna be adjusting now to the 0.2. We wanna go x 100 across. You can go negative as well. You just put a minus and then we'll go the opposite direction. But in this case, I'm gonna go to the right, and then we want this also 100 high, 100. Say, Okay, you can see this adds another line there. So now most of the primitive shapes, um, you can basically create just with lines, which is the handy thing of the lines. So it's quite a handy tool to learn to master. There is some methods we can use to speed up things a bit, but we'll be looking at that in the next video. But otherwise Yeah, and meanwhile, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za z. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, requested training, video filling the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just