FabriCAM Software Auxiliary Line with Two Points (Part 6) Step by Step Video Tutorial

fabricam auxiliary line two points
From the Auxiliary guide lines the Line with Two Points option is one of my personal favorites.
This option gives you a lot of freedom when it comes to placing the guided line.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Auxiliary – Line Bisector.
Previous video covered Auxiliary – Line with Inclination.
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Video Transcript
How are you guys in today's video? We're gonna be looking at how Accelerate very line with two points Beach here, and this will be for fabric and software. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure that easy to what? The problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Otherwise, if we go back into the programme here. So now just a reminder. This is a miniseries on the actual CAD feature. And currently we are busy with axillary, um, feature, which can be fine over here next to the Ark's. So now, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at the second last option here, So I'm gonna zoom in so you guys can see a bit better. So we've got here the axillary line with two points. Move this little widget off our primary monitor. So now it's a pretty simple on this, So if I click it, it gives us this option. Now, this is pretty much imagine you are creating a line with a line tool. So what we have here, we've got, um X one and y one, so it's just laid out of a different instead of next to each other or underneath each other's next to each other. So we've got X one and Y one, and then we have X two and Y two. So now obviously, this will be the location of your first point. Now keep in mind, obviously, with a guide, it's going to be running through these points, so but this is a nice way to define exactly where you want the guy. So let's say we bug eyed 0000 or it's rather go, maybe on X 100. Then you can get a basic horizontal guide, as you can see that on zero and on the horizontal so I can go to that same one. I can obviously do a vertical, so I'll leave everything zero and then, except for um y one. Let's make that 100. There we go. Now we've got a vertical line as well, so it can dub also as a horizontal vertical. But then the nice part is let's say we grab that and we go, let's make X and Y 100 say okay and there we go we've got a line that starts at zero and goes to 100 cuts through everything else. If I zoom out, you can see that. So there's a nice way to get very custom guidelines. So if you need it exactly from one point to another point, I would highly recommend you use this tool. So once again, that is it on the auxiliary line with two points. So just a quick recap basically created a guide from two points on your actual space here. So from point A to be on this case 0.0.12 point two, but yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, if we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys are notice you've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to simply go here, request the training video uniform, and then we'll do our best to make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys, fortune and churches