Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at part number 36 from our advanced parts. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mhm. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure we need to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we're back into the programme here now, in today's video, like I mentioned, going to be looking at part number 36 I think this one just about rivals are 11 options part. But it might be one less. I think it might be about 10, but yeah, anyway, Okay, so let's head into it. Let's go flat part. We go for part 36 openness. And as you guys can see here, we've got quite a number of options to set. Now I'm gonna just zoom in here, so we're gonna look at what we've got. So now obviously, I like to break it down to the basics, and then we slowly build upon that. So first of all, we've got a A and B, which is gonna set the overall rectangles with the night, and then you will notice what we have to rectangle cutouts inside the large rectangle. So it's a good way to view the shape. So it makes a bit more sense so we can break them into individual parts as well. Then we have next up. So after the a m B, we've got the C and D over here, which is how far this first rectangles from the side of the Cube and our high it is from the bottom. Then on the other side here we've got the F and E, which basically does the same thing. But with the second rectangle, Then what we have. We've got an X one and y one and x two and y two, and this will be setting the width and height of your rectangles. So we set the width and height, and then we've got our one, which is, um, setting the rounding of these corners on the first rectangle. And then we've got our two. As you can see, four times are two, which means that it's gonna be sitting four of those angles. So I would say, Let's quickly adjusted. So let's go. But I'm gonna make this a bit broader, so we can try fitting both those. So A and B 302 100 then we've got C and D. I'm gonna keep this one. Maybe about 20. 30. Then we've got the in app. So it's the other side. Uh, I make it a little bit larger, maybe about 50 and then I'll make this one about a D I It's very good to see me just to be safe. And then we've got X one and x two. So it's gonna be the size of the fish rectangles. I'm gonna make the first one, maybe a square and the second one, we can make more of a rectangle. So I'm gonna go about 50 by 50. I think we're still safe, and then we go the y. So this one, I'm gonna make about 80. So this is the Y. Let's make sure, Sure, why one gonna So I see they put the wires together and the access together, so we're gonna want to do X one and y one. So this one is gonna become 50. So why was gonna 50? And then we're looking at white to make the height of this 1 80 and then we'll make X two guys. Leave that at 50. Now, I'm gonna put these two, maybe 10, and let's just see if we have any problems. We prove our shape. Okay, there we go. We've got our shapes. I could have made my shapes a little bit larger, so I think Let's quickly do that. So we go x one and X ny one. So let's try about 84 x one y 1 80 give you that. There we go. It looks a bit better. And now I want to make the width and height of the X to also bigger. So it was 60 by about 100. There we go. We've got our shapes. And obviously, like I always say, given mind these measurements will depend on your actual product you're making or the shit you're gonna cut out. So most of those should be pre measured, ideally, so you can simply just throw it into the programme and calculated you might define adjustments, but, uh, for most of the parties should be fine. I'm just obviously for the sake of the tutorial, so I like to just, um, adding some different values. Okay, So manual, 21 Add it and let's add that to our cutting sheet. Here we go about our rectangle with two rectangle cutouts with a rounding. Yeah, that covers P 36. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward, just simply go here requesting training video fell in the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and cheers.
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