Uh, hey, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at another intermediate blood part and this will be part 18 from our, uh, stock parts we can choose. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates otherwise, back into the programme now. So, previously we covered parts 16 from Intermedia parts, which will be this, uh, pinkish shape. Now we're gonna be looking at part 18, which is another version of this, but with a key difference. When the previous one we could set the height of a cube or the cube. Sorry, the square Cuba's for CTV, and then also the now the diameter of a circle. And then the curves where in this one will be able to set the actual, uh, what you call it with of the cubes and a square. So it becomes a rectangle. If I had to go to the pot, we go to p 18 and we'll see from this little menu we actually have one less setting than the other one. That's why I mentioned in the previous video that this is the most simplified version of, uh, P 16. So now let's quickly set a few things. So I'm gonna start with B and O Just get that similar to what we had before. So this was 1 50 this one was 200. Now we will be sitting there, eh? The width of the actual cube. Keep calling in Cuba. My apologies. Do a lot of three D designing. So let's set the rectangle. Yeah, I'm gonna make this maybe 200. So now it should be bigger than or potentially similar to the previous one. But let's just see no, now it's actually on the right. So that is rather strange. I was not expecting that from the preview. Let's see if we can set this into a minus value negative. Yeah, we can. Let's see if it works. Okay. Nothing happening there. Yeah. So, in any case, I was not expecting that. Let's just see if there's something else. I was saying that whole Let's try the A minus value minus. Okay. Now we actually have a cut in. Well, this is very interesting. It's another one of those videos who I discovered something that I did not know that the programme can do. So we can make just about a little black man here if you want it. And so that is good to know if we can actually pull it in. So I'm gonna send this back to a positive move. The miners say, Okay, then at manual quality of one ad and they add this to our part, this one is very big. I'm sure that wrong year, but yeah, Anyways, yeah, this video seems to have been a bit backwards because I got a bit of God with the extra features can do, but yeah, otherwise, that is on par 18. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za r together today, you guys will notice We've got a variety of different software to to cover. And you can also isolate your search on top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward to something you requested training video, filling a mini form. Then we'll do our best to make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and churches
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