How are you guys? In today's video? We're gonna be looking at another intermediate flat part, and this will be part number 16. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video Can we find our We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Otherwise we're back into the programme here. Now. Today's part we're gonna be looking at is basically a combination of these two shapes of the circle and the square or rectangle and then where they joined the we'll have a little bit of rounding as well. Now, if we had to go to the flat part here we go to p 16, you can see we've got three different variations of it and a few different other ones. So now we're gonna be looking at the first one which is a little bit more advanced in p 18, but nonetheless, let's quickly look at that one first. So if I open this, we can see from the previous many new year Well, we've got we got it. Four different parts we've gotta be, which was the height of the cube, the rectangle we've got a which is the overall length or width of the actual shape part. Then we've got our for the rounding with two joints and we've got no which is the diameter of the circle. So I'm gonna set a few of them and we really look at it if we can get a result something similar to this. So our first a I'm gonna go this 300 just so we kind of consistent with most of other parts be I'll do this 1 50 about then the rounding, I would say, Make this maybe about 50. And then over here, I'm gonna make this 200. Then let's say, okay, I'm gonna leave the name same and just see what happens. You have something here that, uh, b is maybe a bit big. So let's just make this maybe 20 about Okay, here we go. It's a little bit closer to that sample picture. Then I'm gonna make sure I put manual quantity one say add, and then we can add our part to the design. So there's our first shape in this. Uh, this current shapes with a few variations, but rather simple, but you might need some refining getting the exact shape you're looking for. So I would say when you work with the shape before you worry about the round is getting them exact. First, get make sure these two work while the square and rectangle I mean the rectangle and the circle. But yeah, otherwise, before we get to the next shape, if we go to hat Seattle zero guys will notice, we've got a variety of different Softwares who to cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, requested training video fell in the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and just 13:53:502024-12-05 03:47:32FabriCAM Software P16 Squire and Circle Combo (Part 9) Step by Step Video Tutorial