CorelDraw RouterCAM the Contour machining Feature (Part 5), Step by Step Video Tutorial
coreldraw routercam contour machining
When it comes to the Contour machining feature within the RouterCAM plugin, we have a number of different Contour types.
Most of the feature’s settings are very similar throughout all the variations of it, perhaps with one or two differences.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers RouterCAM Pocketing.
Previous video covered Curve Precision.
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Video Transcript
Now the guys in today's video we're gonna be looking at your contour, machining feature or route to camp. This will be a more overview, and we're going to more depth on each individual one later. But for now, let's have a quick intro first, Uh, so today's video can be found on z. We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. I always waited back in the programme. Yeah, Now, just a quick reminder that these miniseries on router camp features So you always look in the description and follow some links forward and backwards view. Wanna follow it along? So now when it comes to the actual feature or contour machining they we have a few different options. We go, ya know, to path two parts the first one years gone to a million just then on the far right here we've got contour engraving and then we've got contour cutting laser plasma and water. Now that is the nice thing about contouring and this plug in as you can do it for any type of machine. So yeah, so it doesn't matter if it's, uh, laser or so forth. You can do it over here, um, and also does closed and open curves, which is great. Um, you can also create it for left right inside, outside and centre of the drawing objects. So that is great. If you have more complex things you can choose. What do you want to contour? And yeah. And like I mentioned a nice thing about it. It's available for milling, engraving, cutting, laser cutting or water cutting. Obviously, the settings that you'll be setting for each one of our very depending on the type of contouring you chose and yeah, we're gonna be going into more depth on those features. But yeah, for now, that is just quick overview on Contour milling just once again or machining. Sorry. Um, just a quick, uh, overview reminder again. So it allows you to contour, um, for different types of cutting. And also, you can do it for open closed paths and then also left or your left right inside or outside. Yeah, but before we go to the actual settings of it, if we go here to guys will notice We've got a variety of different software. We recover. And you can also isolate your search here on the top, right? If you do not find, however, what you're looking forward to, simply go here, request the training video, fill in the many form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise, thanks for watching guys and cheers. Mm.