CorelDraw RouterCAM Plugin Toolpath Sequences (Part 5), Step by Step Video Tutorial
routercam plugin toolpath sequences
When it comes to the Sequences that are available for the different Toolpaths, we have a few to choose from.
RouterCAM also has a very nice built-in automatic Sequencer that ships with the plugin.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Allowance.
Previous video covered Leads and Transitions.
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Video Transcript
other guys in today's video, we're gonna be looking at the two bath sequence feature or option, full route to camp. But before that was a quick intro first. Mhm. So today's video can be found on z. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates if we're back in the programme here now, just a quick reminder. This is a miniseries where we will be covering, um, different settings for the two parts, which four outcome, which is located here on the right. Now, today we're gonna be looking at sequence, and that is pretty much, um, cutting order. We have covered before when it came to, uh, the actual sequence with numbers in a previous, uh, miniseries where we would do a sequence when the numbers Now we're gonna be looking at layers versus, um, dramatic. So if I had to make some shapes here, let's, uh, grab three shapes and we can just preview it now. Two options we do have. Let's make it solid rate. It's easier to see. Okay, so I'm gonna just go under here. I contour milling with my object selected and then close up these. Now, we've got this sequence tab over here. We've got two options here. The one is automatic and the other one is as on the layers or layer. So automatic as you can imagine if I click. OK, then, according to my cut origin, it is kinda automatically, um, set the quickest path, as you can see that so I'll go to the closest object, then the closest to the closest to that. So if we are to let's say I had to take this one and throw it that site, then we're gonna reload this. Now we can see it goes to the circle first and then to the rectangle. So that is what automatic does it. I would say if you're new to a programme and you know how to optimise your stuff yet that is definitely, um, the most convenient way or a better way to go about it. Then if we had to go it it and we go back to the sequence, then we've got as on the layer. So if we've selected this, then if we go to our object manager, which you can find your layers and we can see we've got our three shapes here. Now it's gonna cut it according to which shapes on top, and then work its way down. So at the moment, our polygon is on top this one, then we've got our clips in the rectangle. So now, in essence, it should be cutting it in reverse. So let's just quickly preview that. Let's load this and open it up. So now we can see guys start at the bottom. It works the way up. No. Even if I had to now move these two around it is still going to Yes, cut it. Just generate that again. Yeah, from the polygon to the circle to the square. So in order to change that order, you have to go to your object manager and then change it here. So if I had to put the rectangle on top, then it's gonna go rectangle probably gone clips. So that is when you're using the actual, um, setting for as on layers under the sequence. So just a quick recap we've got automatic, which will automatically depending on your cutting origin, where it starts cutting point, go to the closest shape, and then from the closest there. On where? As on the layer, it will be according to your layer set up on your object manager. Yeah, that is it. On a sequence. Like I said, there is another one which is by number. But we've already covered that now to cut it with text fields, um, or number text fields included. Otherwise, we head here to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different software to do cover And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go here request of training, video, filling the meaning form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers