CorelDraw RouterCAM Plugin CNC Tool Change Example (Part 5) Step by Step Video Tutorial
routercam atc example
Now that we have covered the Tool Change feature let have a bit of a practical example of what the process might look like.
That being said just keep in mind that the actual process might look a bit different depending on your project.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Previous video covered CNC TC – Postprocessor Settings.
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Video Transcript
hi guys. In today's video on route to Cam, we're gonna be looking at a bit of a practical example of what a tool change might look like. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on And we make short and easy to watch problem solving videos. And we also have daily updates. What's weird into the programme here and now. Like I mentioned, it's gonna be a bit of a practical example. So I'm just gonna run through the process quickly so you can get an idea of what it will look like. So I'm gonna start off with just making some shapes. So I'm gonna first, let's make a little square, then I'm gonna put next up a little circle and then let's put one of these. I think it was the hexagon type shape and see if they have anything else that's interesting. Let's put a star right at the bottom. So what I'm gonna currently do, So we're gonna cut out in different tools. So we're gonna start from the left to the right to simplify things, so we're gonna go to one tool 22 or three. And 24. And then they will obviously increase in size. So first things I wanna do is I want to select our first one, then, um, under our two parts with it expanded, I'm gonna click here the contour milling. Then make sure it is on our tool one of the year in the dropdown menu. Let me just fix our zoom quick. Here we go. So we know that's tool one. Say OK. Select our second one. And now I'm just gonna basically repeat this process. Select tool two. OK, like the next shape. Go to three. OK, and then our last one, which is the star, and this will be the largest. So we're gonna go, um, to four. So now we've got our four contours over here with the four different sizes coming from one ml to four m. I think it was or from, um yeah. So any case from the one side to the last side with that selected, we want to go and select our profile. Obviously make sure it is set up correctly like we did, and then I'm gonna hit generate this G one G two button. Now, I'm just gonna go show, um, code just to make sure everything is fine. There we go. We've got t one, so we know that is working. And then before it switch to the next shape, as we can see every year it goes to t two. So there we go. We've got t two. So that means we know that at least our tool order is this correct. And now, when you actually send it to a machine and you do your cutting, let's say it has cut the first one the second one and then the third one. Then what it'll kind of look like is, um So let's say it's done cutting the third one or go back, put your tool in its place, select the next one. So this will be our fourth one our largest, and then go and continue the process. So we'll finish the final cut with the biggest one. So, like I mentioned before, it's important this order, so make sure that is also 21 to 22 or 3 to 4 to the way you've set them up. And then all of that should be in order, but yeah, otherwise, that is it. On our little mini series on tool changes, it might seem complex. But once you understand the principle of, um uh, the stacking order in the actual C N c router and also how to see which tools are which or which tool numbers are, which in the actual programme, it simplifies it a lot. But yeah, otherwise, thanks for joining me in this mini series. If we head here to You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top or right. If you do not however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the mini form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers