TruCUT RDWorks Selection Type Draw Bar Tool (Part 1) the Tool Draw Bar Mini-Series
rdworks select tool
When it comes to popularity and most used tools, the Select Tools wins that area hands down.
In order to make most changes, location, rotation, scale, or even adding effects and so forth, you first need something selected in order to do make those changes.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Edit Nodes.
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Video Transcript
hi guys in today's video is true. That already works. We're gonna be looking at the draw bar on the left, You on the screen? I'm gonna be looking at the first tour, which is probably the most important tool in my opinion. And that is the select. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on UK. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos and also the daily updates otherwise back in the programme here. Now, just so you guys know this is going to be many serious covering a quick overview of the draw bar, which is this bar here on the left, and you'll find some of your main tools, um, on this bar. So now, like I mentioned today's video, we're gonna be looking at the selector, which is the top here. Now, with most of these tools, you can just go down here to the draw on your main menu and see the shortcut keys for them. And when it comes to select two, Uh oh, there's two was quite powerful, and also the select order is even sometimes, uh, important. So we're gonna be looking at those things because some tools actually require you select a certain order for it to react correctly. So now, first of all, with the tool selected. If you simply left, click with your mouse on a shape, but make sure you hit the room. You have to look in the middle. Nothing is gonna happen. So click somewhere on the border and then you will see it will hide. It'll show, say, highlighted for selection. Now, another way we can do this is simply dragging a rectangle. Make sure you drag it over your shape so you just left click and you keep it in. Hold it in and then you'll drag this. You'll see it makes a little box, and whatever shapes his box goes over, it's going to be selected. As you can see there, we've got the rectangle selected. Now let's say I want to select this one and that one and we just go from this side. Go over both, and I can see both of them are selected. No, Like I mentioned, some tools require you to have or rather react towards the last or the first object selected, especially like a lining tools on that. And then, um, in order to do that, you will simply use your shift plus click. So if we click on this, and that's why we want the rectangle to be lost, we'll keep shift on your keyboard. When we left, Click the next shape and then we click the rectangle. Now the rectangle will be the last shape. So if I had to use any form of aligning or something, then it will align it according to the centre object, as you can see, that also service, um, object selected last and then also what you can do with your selection tool. If you have something selected you can keep controlling, and then move your mouse left, click and move your mouse, and then it will make a duplicate for you so quicker way than going control C for copy and control V for paste, you simply just select the shape of controlling drag and drop it where you want it. Yeah, this is, um, that's, I think, pretty much it for now on it. There's also obviously, like control arms and that you can use your selection tool. So if you had to double click or left click. Just normal. Um, it will give you extra control arms to change, but we're going to do more depth with the actual control handles. Yeah, otherwise, we're headed here to Today you guys will notice you've got a variety of different software to cover. And also you can isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the videos you're looking forward to go here, requests a training video. Then we will make that video for you. But otherwise, things, guys, fortune and cheers.