Hi there, guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at setting your page colours within trick That already works. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm mm mm. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za y. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back in the programme here. Now, just a quick reminder for those that are new. This is a miniseries on the page settings. And, uh, yeah, I just realised Now, if anyone wants to hear by the settings, there has been going a while. But in any case, we'll correct that just now. So then, yeah. So there will be a also leave reliving links in description so you guys can actually follow along now. This is gonna bug me. So let's just quickly change this almost at the rookie mistake of using the text tool to change text. Okay, settings. There we go. That looks about right. So now we're changing the page. Uh, colours can be quite useful if you used to. Another programmes set up, but also, you can very quickly mess up your layout. Look, and you can set it back relatively easy. But I will show you quickly a few examples. So now we head here to the main menu config, and then we go to page settings. Then you're setting. I'm not sure your page setting at the bottom here. We've got your colour conflict. So as you can see, we've got background, work, area and grit. Now, when I mentioned, you can quickly mess it up. If you have to make this some neon colour, try something like this. It can be a rather distracting. And then also another option which you could accidentally do is you set the background colour to something that's a bit too dark, maybe even a bit darker than that. And then keep doing that to click the wrong. Okay, and as you can see, it becomes unworkable. Just about so my personal opinion, I would say, keep the foreground white well, like great if you have to. But that works while the work area something that does work to make that red. And then the grid I samples like to make a light blue, so I'll grab this and just make it a little bit lighter. Then, when you click. Okay, This is quite a quite a nice setup start. So the grid is not so distracting as the grey. And also you kind of know where your hard edge or your border of your design so you don't go out of it. But the defaults are pretty good. So I would say if you're not sure, you can easily just leave the work area in black and the grid on a light grey. Then, As you can see, this is also pretty nice and subtle, but yeah, that is it. On your page colours, it is rather simple. Uh, just a rule of thumb. Watch out for any extreme contrast or sorry, extreme saturation in your background colours or making your value too dark. Otherwise, if we had here to softwaretraining.co.za c 0.0, you guys will notice we make a variety of different Softwares. Or rather, just say we make training videos for a variety of different Softwares. And also you can isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Jessica Year. Request the training video. Fill in the meaning form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys watching and chills.
https://softwaretraining.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/6962-featured-image.jpg10801920A-Videohttps://softwaretraining.co.za/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/software-training.svgA-Video2021-11-08 13:03:482024-10-02 14:08:02TruCUT RDWorks Setup the Colors of the Page (Part 3) Page Settings Step by Step Mini-Series