TruCUT RDWorks the LGP Circle Round Preview (Part 17) LGP Design Videos Mini-Series

rdworks lgp circle round
The Circle Type Round Preview option for the LGP Deign feature is a great way to spice up things.
When you are working with the Round Preview for the Circle Type, you might at times notice some inconsistency in regards to its point sizes.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers LGP Design – Grid Type.
Previous video covered LGP Design – Circle Dislocation.
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Video Transcript
Hey guys, in today's video and that already works. We're gonna be looking at the Brown Preview for the circle type, and this will be for the LDP design feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm. So today's video can be found on We make sure we need to watch problem solving videos and also barely updates otherwise, back in the programme. Now, just a quick reminder this season miniseries on the LDP design. Now, I will also leave relevant links in the description so you guys can follow along now. We've already covered around preview for the lines. He's going to quickly run through it again for the circle. If you kind of competent already. Welcome. Just skip along and we'll skip to the next video. So otherwise, what we're gonna do is first we go to our actual, uh, g P design feature. I'm gonna apply a little so called design here. Yeah, we can see we've got the the base. So now if we had to go here at the bottom of all the features for the circle, we click here around preview, you will see, it enables the circles for us. My opinion. It is a little bit buggy, seeing that all the circles are not the same size, even though we look at the lines. Okay, the lines are also they're supposed to be the same size. But so I would say perhaps that function is a little bit buggy. So then, uh, let's just try switch this gradient off. It might actually solve some things. Let's see. Now we've still got some scale problem here. I'm gonna sit this to to comply. And then, as you can see, we still have some of them bigger than the rest. That is something to keep in mind with a preview. If we had to increase and decrease the scale, you will see the actual circle sizes should also what am I doing? I'm doing amount here, So let's do point length. So let's go apply so we can see it. Then let's see the point length. Maybe a 0.0.5. Apply and you'll see now the circles actually gets smaller, so if you scale up your your actual design of the year, it will change the size. And also, if you sit there with it will change the size because obviously one is setting the actual image size and the other one is setting the point size. So that is something to keep in mind as well about the round preview. Obviously it works relevant to the lines as well. But I thought that I can preview it might be a nice place to show them. So let's just quickly try this. You said this to 80. So we increase the scalp twice as much. Comply and I'll see the little dots are even smaller, but yeah, so that is it on the ground preview option for as a circle type. If we had to adhere to y, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares. We do cover and you can also isolate. You're searching on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go here requesting training video, fill in the uniform and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys for watching and cheers