To Snap shapes to intersection helps you to have a snapping point where ever one or more object overlaps.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that covers all the different ways to Snap your Objects. Next video covers Snap to Edge. Previous video covered Snap to Grid.
All right, guys. In today's video of Flexi Starter, we're gonna be looking at the snap the intersection option from the snap to. But before that, let's have a quick intro first so today's video can be found on Got Seattle today? We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we have daily updates. But otherwise back in the programme here. Now, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on snapping objects, and we've covered quite a few already. And, uh, today we're gonna be looking at the snap the intersection. We'll also leave relevant links and descriptions. You guys can actually follow along now. First of all, to locate your snapping will be under your view, but and then we want to navigate a refund Snap and then you'll see we have quite a few options here, as you can see that little blue block there on snap to intersection. It's already enabled, but click it again. It will disable it and also click the snap to bar. It will give you this toolbar all the relevant options as well, so you can just quickly use it quick navigation and snapping. So currently, as you can see houses on and it's the only one that's another. Only under the thing is our show grids. Okay, Sorry. Which is not Doesn't matter at the moment for snapping. So snap intersection on. What this will do is shapes and objects that you scale and that will snap to anywhere where to objects are into sex. So if we had to take this little plus, we've created scribe this corner and then we'll move it, uh, keeping shifting to, uh, not constrain the scaling you'll see here it snaps to this intersection Same to the top plus with a combined. But you'll see otherwise everywhere else. It's kind of trying to snap, but it's not quite finding the intersection of what? Once you get to these, you can see there is a definite snap. No. Likewise. If we had to make a duplicate of this, it's just going to change the colour of one. Yeah, sorry. That is my stroke. Let's go back to the full. That's great. Mhm. Let me make one more duplicates just so we can have something to snap to now the same way. If we had to scale this, you will see snaps it to everywhere with this thing into six. Currently at that point and that point. So yeah, that is the snap to intersection. It is a rather simple tool to use. Uh, yeah, next time we'll be looking at the snap to edge. But otherwise, if we had here to start with training We've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate the search here on the top, right? If you do not, however, find what you're looking for, you always go. You requested training video and we will make that video for you Otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. 18:08:172024-12-10 23:06:32SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Snapping Objects to Intersections (Part 4) Snap to Feature Mini-Series