SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Import the (TGA) Files (Part 9) Importing Files Video Mini-Series
flexistarter import tga files
TGA refers to a raster graphics file format created by Truevision Inc.
This format had been used as the native format for TARGA and VISTA graphic cards for IBM PC’s to support Truecolor display.
This video is part of a mini-series.
Next video covers Importing TIF files.
Previous video covered Importing SVG files.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video with Flexi Starter, we're gonna be looking at importing T g a Fox. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Yeah, so today's video can be final You guys are nuts. We have a variety of different software to do cover and also we upload training videos daily. So just keep an eye out for any new content. Otherwise, we're back in the programme here. Now, Um, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on importing, so I will leave relevant links in the description so you guys can follow a lot otherwise, when it gets to t g a four format, there's also a raster based, and, uh, it's quite popular in the the animation and video industry, but you do use it from time to time, but it's similar you can say to JPEG and bit maps and so forth. But any case, uh, in order to do that, we have to locate our input, too, so you can either go. You're not standard too well on top. And then it's this little save icon shows that era too little paper. If you have your mouth or say input or what you can do, You can talk to file, and then we never get to import there once we click this or pop us up. Sorry, My bad, Wrong button. Then it will, uh, pops up the other importing, um, options. So then obviously navigate to where your T. J is located. Then you can just select it on the right here. Should rather say, if you don't see it where you saved it, always going to file type, and then from the drop down menu, make sure you select the target, but map of the T G a and then on the right here we have a preview button. So if this is enabled, you can see what the fire looks like. Get selected, and then we have linking. Now linking if you click link on it will not basically embed this image into your main project. So if you save and you copy your project file, you open it. This image will no longer be there unless you copy the image with a fold. So this is great if you're going to be using it just as a reference and you don't need it in the final product, you can always just link. But if you plan on using it in the final product or you want to send your project file without having to copy extra files to a client or something printers, then you can always have leave this one off. Otherwise we click import. Then it's going to pop us up with some input options, which is the resolution. So then over here, you can set what dp you want. Um, import because we only use as reference we can leave it at 72. Otherwise, she will be looking at 150 to 300 perhaps even 600. If you wanted to, um, do higher quality print. So then you say, Okay, give us this box where we want to place it. I'm gonna throw it there for now. And then, as we can see here, we've got our t g a image import. So that is that an input T g A or TJ format? We're idea to suffer training. Zero. You guys will notice that we do have a variety, um, of a different software, like I mentioned earlier. And also you can isolate. You're searching for anything specific. Otherwise, if you don't find what you're looking for, you always go. Yeah. Request a training video, then. Um, yeah, we will make that video, boy. Otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.