SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Opening Color Swatch Tables (Part 2) Swatch Tables Video Mini-Series

flexistarter open colour swatch
How to go about opening color swatches within FlexiSTARTER 19, and understanding what the different color icons mean.
The great thing about FlexiSTARTER 19 is that the program comes with quite a big library of different premade color swatches to choose from.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers making a New Swatch Table.
Previous video covered Different Color Modes.
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Video Transcript
Mm Hi, guys. In today's video flexi start and we're gonna be looking at how to open new colour swatches before that. Let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on Today we make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we have updates always back in the programme here. Just a reminder. This is a very serious on working with colours. And at the moment we're gonna be looking at open colour swatches and also what the icons mean. So yeah, just right off the bat. So obviously we get a few different colour modes which we covered previously. And then these colour modes also actually represent type different types of, uh, colour format, you can say for working with. So we've got the d O, which will be like foils and stuff with spots and so forth. So now, as you can see here on our main, um, design area here, we've got these three lower icons. So if I can have a single little plus on and this represents, it's a spot colour. If it's got two little pluses, then it means it's, uh oh colour. So if we go on the bottom here, we can see just once with a little plus just so that is for a spot colour. So that means when you finally had tracks, it's for a different design purposes. So if you're working with different materials, these colours are designed around that. So now to open, um, colour swatches. So let's say we want to see one with the two in two ways we can go about it. First of all, we go to our main menu year top. We got to view, they want to navigate to colour, and then we go to open table. And then obviously we can have a few options before we look at that. It's just look at the other way of opening so we can simply if we have a colour swatch open at the bottom, which if we do not, we can always gonna standard menu. And then there's one. Next to the red magnifying glass with the red, a little droplet. It's a swatch type. If we click that will open our, uh, table. Here is the default one. So if you right click can go a year to open table and then, uh, before bringing a year. But table and live. So on the library, we have a list of the friend, um, options, which you can go look inside. And if you're looking for anything specific around those design areas otherwise under the table, we'll see. We've got a few options here. We've got to seem like a colours D C three d Oh, spot. And then we've got a default as well. So it's good to know where you're defaults located. So let me describe this DC three years spot they opened it. We'll see. We get a whole milk colour swatch here at the bottom. So nice things it doesn't close your original. It just adds a new one. Then, as you can see, there's a lot of little icons with two dots. So you know now this is for D o colours. You can also obviously Harvard and then you will see the names of the coloured job going on in the bottom. Left. Here, father. There you can see the ocean blue. And then also the code For what colour or the colour coat. Now, obviously, if you wanna let's say close, it uh processes from simple. You can just right click the coloured. Um uh, table you wanna close? And then first one from the options menu There's clothes and it's no longer there. Yeah, otherwise that is it. On the opening colour swatches and what the icons mean, If we had geared to t Seattle today does it has got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And also we have this nice little such options. So if you're looking for anything specific But if you for some reason do not find what you're looking for, you can always go. You requested training video, and then we will make that video for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.