Difference Between Open and Closed Paths in the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 1)
flexiprint open closed paths
In this section of the Path Tool, we will be looking at Open and Closed paths and how to achieve them.
The great part of know how to make ether a open or close path is that most designs use both these types.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Straight Lines.
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Video Transcript
Alright guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at open versus closed paths and this will be with flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we add into the programme here. So now, like I mentioned in the intro, we're gonna be looking at open and closed paths and these are both quite important. So just a quick rundown like open paths tend to tends to be like if you want to make a form of a line design or um, yeah, you want any form of line like a strokes are also, in many ways a form of open path. If you did not have the full now, anything that has a full that becomes more of a closed path. So, in other words, you can't really add a fill to a close path and, um yeah, but in reality, how it works is we've got our node points and then once all those node points are connected right back full circle, then it becomes a closed path. Yeah, let's just quickly run through it. I'm gonna grab our actual path tool here. So on a tool bar, third one down. And then I'm gonna start placing just some nodes here so you can see the difference. I'm gonna left click. There's one note. Second note, third note, fourth note. And then if I had to, let's say, create a close path. So let me just zoom in. If you guys, if I go back to the original point where we started, you'll see my mouse cursor changes and it gets this little circle by it. Now, if I over there, you can see it says close path. But now, if I click here, it will close the path for us. Now, if you do not have a full selected you, you might not notice it's closed. But if your default fill is set, then you should notice. Now, suddenly we have a full uh, let's quickly do an open pass, so I'm gonna select the same tool, just create another form of rectangle. But this time I'm not gonna go till the close. I'm gonna leave a little gap. So if I click there go off the tool. So we have to select. You can see now this is called open path because we have an open bridge here or opening in our actual path area. Now, you might notice if we had to click on this one under our full and stroke panel that it says we currently have a full for this one. You see, we're set to salt full and orange, but it will not display un unless this path is closed. Now we can close it in a few ways. Um, it's first, uh, the most, uh how can I say easiest way is if we go to our design central panel, just make sure that it's open, and then we go to the third tab with that little mouse cursor with a line with a note point in red. Then if we go right to the bottom, you'll see we have this little icon and this is to close apart. You can also open a path with the same one. So let me click there. You can see there close our path. Now we can see the F. If I had to unselected that it will open it again Now, if we had to add this, uh, shape selected and open it, it will take one of our edges away, as you can see, where this one We currently have another note where we ended it. So we'll take this little edge away, but yeah, otherwise, yeah, that is the main difference on open and close Now, Like I said, another way we can do this. If we select this, we have our note editor. Select it. And then I can go to select this point over here, the bottom one. And now, if I go to the top here, see if I can get it right this time. However, just by the right place, it should give me the option to close the spot. But, uh, yeah, that's first. I'm going to go make the path further. Oh, never mind. I need it selected. And my I have my actual path tool selected, not my note editing. Then, uh, I'm gonna select that point, and then we go back to the beginning. Then you can see we get that same option, click it close and close the part. So my apology is not to note editor, but it's just your actual note tool. So let's open one of these parts and then just have a quick recap. So now obviously, we've got the open and close paths here. So the main difference is the path nodes with the open does not connect to your first one again. So it doesn't make a full circle where the closed path does. Then in order to close a path or open it, you can just go to your design Central, third tab. So the path one and in the bottom right here, that little circle that is for to create an open or a closed path. But yeah, otherwise, that is it. On open and close bars, we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. co dot Z A. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search here on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video, fill in the mini form, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers