Creating and Editing Bitmap Images within the SAi FlexiPRINT RTUV 22 Software (Part 3)
flexiprint create edit bitmap
Now that we know the differences between Vector and Raster images, let’s have a look at creating some Bitmaps.
With the Create Bitmap feature we are able to not only edit bitmaps, but now we able to take a more custom approach as well.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Resample and Make Transparent.
Previous video covered Import and Rasterize.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to create and edit bit maps within the flexi print. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on co dot Z A. We make short and easy to watch problems solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Now, if we add to the programme here. So like I mentioned in today's video, we're gonna be looking at creating and editing bit maps. And now this is a nice little feature to have within a programme. And that is, uh, yeah, we can do our bit maps. In order to do that, I'm just gonna zoom in here and show you guys. So what we wanna do is go to our main menu and then bit map, and if we go down here, we'll see we have this option called create bitmap. I'm gonna click that, and then we're gonna have some options under this. So we've got our size, which will be the width and height. So, uh, I'm just gonna keep this at, you know, obviously, I wanna get this higher for printing, but I'm gonna leave this as, uh, the default. Then we've got our resolution. So this is your DP I You can now set this as well. Um, all of us are gonna leave standard, but obviously, depending on your design requirements, you might wanna change these under that, we've got colour mode. The nice thing about this colour mode, we have the CMYK as well. So if you wanna make sure this is, uh, optimised for printing, we could do that. So I was gonna say, OK, now it is just created as a little white rectangle by survivor, um, settings have a click off here. It might be confusing. My thing is gone. But now, if you click there, it is still there, or you just do a selection, select, and then you will find it. Now, in order to edit this, we actually wanna have our edit menu open. So I'm gonna go again to bit map, and I wanna click here. Edit, um, bit map edit toolbar. And this will open our toolbar for us. Now. You could obviously come and dock it on top here just by clicking on those little next to the icons and dragging it where you want it now, when it comes to the editing, we have a few different sections. You can say So we have, uh, let me just fix our zoom. Here we have our basic selection or marque tools. Then we have some editing, cropping and so forth, so we'll be running more into the selection ones later. So let's just look at these first ones. So now obviously, we cannot start with the eraser because there's nothing to erase. I'm gonna start with our paint brush, so we have a paintbrush and a pencil. The main difference is the paintbrush can do soft edges with a pencil, does hard edges. So let's go to our paintbrush and then, yeah, on our actual design central panel, you'll see, we have our brushes that's available. We have some square ones and square ones smoothened and some round ones and round ones. Smooth. So I'm gonna select that, and then we can see here. Depending on which one is selected, it will change our size. So if I want a small one, I can select a small or a large one now to change our colour. We're just gonna go here on our colour swatch and select the colour we want. And then under our full, we should see an update when I select it. OK, we couldn't see it now, but it's fine. Just try this. So we click and then you can see we can start making a soft painting, which is, uh, quite convenient. And then if we now switch to the pencil, so one next to that, we got the same brush. But now it's gonna be a hard edge, as you can see there, we've got a nice little hard edge going. Now, if you combine these with selection and so forth, you can get some interesting designs out. Um, which can be handy. And then, obviously, lastly, we have our eraser. So then we can just go over what we don't want. Erase it. But you can also select different brushes for that next to the actual brushes. We also have, uh, stuff we can set. So eras to original or opacity and so forth. I think it stays the same between the pencil and the paintbrush. Let me just confirm that. Yeah, so they only have opacity that you can set. Then we also have a full bucket, so I'm sure most of you can imagine what that does, so we'll select our full bucket. I'm going to put tolerance and all of that. If there's depending on if there's different colours or not, it will only fill in whichever colour you selected, Then select the colour at the bottom. Click there and then we can throw a photo. Then let's grab a pencil and maybe make a few dots, some POA dots every year just to have something other than just the default. And then that brings us to our next one, which we can do cropping if we want. So now we can select this crop tool and rec crop our image to fit the design nicely within that. Now you have to confirm it here on your design Central with a little green arrow. Then it will crop that image for you. Gonna undo that or if you can, yeah, and then that brings us to another one. So let's say we had, uh, let me just go select this again. We add something selected. Then we can also go to the move tool here, and we can rearrange this to where we want it, but keeping in mind, it's gonna kind of cut it so it will open the open. I mean, the way the selection is has no colour. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select this your full bucket, choose the blue again and just OK unselected our clear our marquee, our selection and paste it in. Don't worry too much about flying through the selection. Like I said, we'll be covering that in depth as there's a few different things we have to look at. But that is just we just move it to the top left corner here so you can get an idea of our last little feature for now, which will be the stamp. Or, um, most of you might also know it as the clone from other programmes. So if I click this, we can select our brush once again. But now what's gonna happen on this canvas? The first place I click? This is where it's gonna be cloning it from. So if I click gear on the edge there, then it's, uh it's deciding. This is, um how can I say our origin point now? I'm gonna left click here and hold in. It will start drawing it around that point. So you can see I can make a nice little clone of patterns or designs using this little stamp tool. Now, if I had to click again, it's gonna use that original place as if we just carrying on, which is handy. And there you go. We've made a nice little clone with a clone tool on our ra. The image. So just as quick as that, we can quickly create a rest the image within the programme or customise other ones using this tool. So just a quick recap. So we've gone to bit map. We've created a bit map and then we make sure our tool, our bit map edit toolbar is on. And I've docked it here on the top, uh, main or primary panel? Yeah, in the meanwhile, though, before we carry on. If we head here to co dot Z A, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? If you do not find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah. Request the training video put in the MI form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.