FabriCAM Software Print Report Practical Self Print (Part 8) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam print report practical self print
In this Practical tutorial we will be looking at what the process might look like if you printing a Report yourself.
When we going through this process keep in mind that the steps I take could vary to you depending on your desired outcome.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers PJR Practical 3rd Party Print.
Previous video covered PJR Practical Self Print.
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Video Transcript
Mm. How do you guys? In today's video, we're gonna be looking at a practical example of how to actually go through the whole printing process If you're printing the report yourself and this will be for fabric Cam just so you guys know. But otherwise before that, let's have a quick intro first. Today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back into the programme. Yeah. Now, like I mentioned, this is gonna be a practical on actual printing yourself or printing the report yourself and just to kind of process we're gonna be taking now. We've covered all the features for the printing, So this will be kind of just running through the most key ones that you'll be actually using or most likely using. So what I'm gonna do? First of all, I want to make sure I open my project. So I'm gonna go open file because it doesn't help us printing nothing. Select the right projects they select and then have it opened. Now, after its opening, you make sure all your stuff is aligned and ready. You can go to print click on the big print button here and our primary toolbar. I'm gonna fill in just number the actual client am .co.za. And then the description, which is sample description. Then once that is done, I'm gonna say okay, and then it will load our actual printing, dialogue or printing report. Over here, it's a good practise. Instead of just hitting print, double cheque, everything. So you don't have to print twice or perhaps give the client the thing. And afterwards you find it. Oh, no, there's problems. And then it just creates another slip where you have to now go back and forth and explain why. So, first of all, this one is relevant. You can look at it, but in general, if something is missing here, you'll quickly notice So what I'll do, then I'll just run through all this information. Make sure this is right. I wouldn't worry too much about the file name, but the material thickness area used client information. All of that. I don't want to make sure that is fine. And then if you want, you can go through these ones, especially if let's say you're gonna be actually sending it to a cutter or something like that to another client. Then it's very important to make sure these ones are correct. But otherwise, most of the times for a client just make sure this is fine. And then you should be good to go. And then next up, what we wanna do is we wanna hit the actual print button. So print report to zoom in here so you guys can see it. We're going to click that little printer and then wait for to load. Once this load, the basic steps we want to do is make sure you select the right printer from here. I'm just gonna say print to pdf, but you will select your printer here. You can make sure on the preferences it is on the landscape or portrait if you need to change it. But I'm gonna leave mine by default and we can see the status is ready. Then what I wanna do is you want to select next page range. I'm gonna leave mine at all unless you wanna only print maybe the cover for the client, but otherwise a good idea is just keep it at all, then the last step, which is sometimes important. And that is the number of copies I'm gonna say to. So I know that I'm getting a copy and I'm giving my clients. So afterwards I can use as a reference in case you ask if you can keep it like, let's say I'm just demoing it. And then after he asked if you can keep a copy, then I know at least have to. Then I'm gonna leave, collide or yeah, collect or whatever you how you pronounce it. I'm not sure it's very cool it, but I'm gonna leave that on so that it's easy for me afterwards if I had to staple them or anything like that. And then when you're done with that, you simply just go print. And then the actual apprentice should be starting up and running through the whole process of printing the document and obviously double cheque. Your actual document that's been printed to make sure it is accurate is nothing got missed out or the ANC is not, maybe, um, struggling then, Yeah, that's pretty much it. There's obviously an extra step. You can take if you want to make a black and white, which would cover in the previous video. But sometimes colour looks nice, so you can see the different shapes. But yeah, otherwise, that is it. On our first practical, it's pretty simple process. A lot of things we won't be covering or using in our practical, because that is just more advanced user things. But yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, before we head to the next practical let's look at softwaretraining.co.za. That is where you can find this video and more like it. We also have different Softwares we do cover. You also have a nice little search button or icon so you can isolate your search if you're looking for anything specific and we also have the request training video. So in case you don't find the video looking forward just some bigger, yeah, request a training video film uniform, and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys for watching and cheers