FabriCAM Software Add and Remove Parts from 3D Viewport (Part 4) Step by Step Video Tutorial

fabricam add remove parts
When it comes to designing and working on the layout of the project, then being able to add or remove parts is a must.
Previously we looked at removing parts from your Control Panel list, now we will be looking at the 3d viewport.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Sheets Information.
Previous video covered Removing Parts form List.
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Video Transcript
by the guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how you can add and remove parts to your three D view port. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make short and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we went back to the programme here. Now, In the previous video, we looked at your deleting row parts and clearing all which we don't want to do right now. Otherwise, we have to reset up this project. Now we're gonna be looking at ad part and the lead part. Now, there's a few things to keep in mind with us, which could be quite confusing, but we will cover those things as well. So now, first of all, we've got the ad part. Now this is, uh how are you gonna get your shapes from the left here onto your three d view board? So you first want to do is on your information page. You first select the shape you want, then you want to go to ad part. Then we click that and then if we harbour to this side, we'll see. We've got our part here. So now we can simply just go at it. And if you wanna add another one, click another one and then you can just carry on like that. Align and where you want it. Obviously, you would not space it as horrible as what I am doing. So you want to save your material. But just for the purpose of this tutorial, um, I will show you guys that now let's say you want to add another rectangle. Now. This is the first problem you might run into where you might think something is wrong. But then it is good to use all your panels, information, all of that just to get a better idea. So let's say we've got a rectangle and add another. One would click, Add part. We go here and we see nothing's happening. Click again. Nothing's happening. So you might think something's wrong, but the first thing you want to look at normal is under your preview, and then we go here on top by the imported like we've covered before. We can see Okay, two out of two. So we have added all our parts for this one. So they will not allow us to add another one. You can always also looking under the manual quality and that we see we've got to We can see. Okay, we already have two. But in my opinion, this preview area works best because you can see if you can add any more. So that's the first thing you might run into. That can be quite frustrating. Then the next one is, Let's say you've got this thing selected or this. Maybe you want to remove one or two of them. Click the lead part and then, as you can see, nothing is happening. To click the lead part again, go to this one. The lead part and nothing is happening. So now what you want to do is you actually first want to select it on your actual three d plane in order for your programme to know exactly what you want to believe. Otherwise it might just remove all of them. So what you want to do is you simply with your mouth you left click on the shape you want to remove, Say this one. Then you go back to the lead part. And now when we have to click this, you will see on the top right? The part disappears, so that is a another thing you could run into. Simple to delete it, but just make sure you have it selected first. And then there's a little bonus, one which sometimes can happen, which, uh, slightly different in this programme to most, and that is how the selection works. So obviously you can just drag a box over them to select the ones you want to delete. But also what you do is if I have, let's say this was selected. I don't want to delete the one to the right as well. I just click on it. You can see I didn't have to use shift or nothing. Now, if I wanna un selected, you can see nothing happens when I click on it. If you shift, hold control, then, Um, yeah, quick way to answer all of them is right Click, or what you do is you click somewhere else in the open plain where there's nothing you know, un selected. So just keep that in mind because some of what happens you'll be working on this one, realigning it. So, yeah, I wanna remove this one Click on that one click the lead part and now who shuts down is also gone, so that can be rather frustrating. So just keep in mind. Luckily, with this undue does work, you just undo it and fix it. So yeah, that is it on adding and the leading part. So the simple thing is, just make sure you have your part. Select that you wanna add and make sure you have not had it all of them already. If it doesn't want to add with the leading make sure you have your part selected in the three d point of view port before you delete it. And also make sure you only have selected what you want to delete. But yeah, otherwise that is it on adding parts. And they're leaving them, Um, before we move to the next section. If we look at softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just a bigger Yeah. I requested training video filling the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you, but otherwise thanks, guys, for watching until next one. Just, uh