Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to open a file format of a P D. F. And this will be for fabric cam. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on We make sure to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Now, if we go back into the programme So we've just in the previous video looked at opening DXM files. Now we're gonna be looking at pdf files that is basically vector graphics, so it's ready for cutting. So now the same same as before. We can just go file open or open file and then look for our pdf Now, once again, if you do not find it, it's important that we go here at the bottom to type of file and we set this to pdf. Otherwise, we're gonna run into a little problem where we can't find the file already have one. But I'm just gonna quickly recreate one, because I was a test one. So now if I go back here to escape, there's our previous file. I'm just gonna make a quick badge here. Like I said, this is not a tutorial on how to use the programme. I just, uh, just to spice it up a bit. I like to keep it different, so I'm gonna make, like, a kind of a superhero type badge. Put that in the back. It's gonna duplicate the star and then make a cut away from the background. So I'm just gonna go difference. And now, if I had to move this back, you can see there's already a star out cut. Then I'm gonna take the actual star quickly scale it down, and then we select both of these, and I'm just gonna combine and use the union. So that's one shape import. It's not gonna it's gonna do. It's different shapes, but it's gonna read it imported as one shape. Now what I wanna do, I wanna quickly save this as a pdf. Depending on your programme you use, you might have to export as a pdf. But in my case, I'm gonna go file savers. Then it is important from, uh, save as type. We're gonna select this, and we're gonna navigate down till we find pdf. There we go. pdf portable document format. Select that. Select the old file save. It's gonna ask me, um, some info. About what? I wanna set the settings as I was going to leave. Everything is default. Quickly replace. Now we can go back into our programme. So now I use this pdf file. If we click here, you can see here. This is the file we created. So everything looks the same. I'm gonna say select. And then I like I mentioned before. If you don't have a sheet now we get to see it. Yeah, they've got a little error. Please add a sheet first had the sheet first. So this is the area I was telling you guys about in any case. So now we go quickly. New sheet, set the dimension, and someone's gonna put one day amateur. Now we go again. So file or open file, I keep calling the other way around because of most programmes. Then we wanna go. Pdf selected. Then it's gonna preview us. I'm gonna say, uh, manual conti one, depending on how many you want to add. Say add. And then, as you can see in the bottom left here was showing us. It was loading. And now we have our shapes here. So, as you can see, it broke them all into individual shapes. If they were connected like if they were bridging, then it would see it as one shape. Now, what you would do, I would recommend you start with a landmark shape, which will be the star. Add that in the middle, and then you just run through all the rest and try and get it in a distance from your star where it kind of still creates a circle afterwards. So it doesn't become some, uh, oddly warped circle. So you'll just have to find a justice until you like the end result. Mine is a bit warped, so you just get your spacing right. And there you go. You've got your little shape and, uh, yeah, otherwise, that is it. On opening pdf files, it's portable graphics. This is great, because PDFs are such a universal and file format. Everybody uses it online. So, you know, you're gonna find a lot everywhere you look, so just a quick recap. So to open. Pdf, if you're gonna go open file, make sure you've got a sheet change your file of type two pdf and then selected previous and add it. But yeah, before we get to the next format. If we go to z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go Yeah, requested training, video filling the meaning form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise these guys are watching and cheers. 16:22:172024-08-26 17:55:14FabriCAM Software Open Supported PDF File Format (Part 2) Step by Step Video Tutorial