are you guys? In today's video, we're gonna be looking at how to navigate your design, using the navigation features that comes with the system mark. And this will be for true Cut already works. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. Mm, so today's video can be found on We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise we're back on the programme. Yeah, now a quick reminder. This is a miniseries on the system bar, and I will also leave a relevant links and description so you guys can follow it along. Now, when it comes to navigating with the system bar, it's, uh, personally not my preference or my favorite way of doing it. There is, however, a few options under the navigation that I like to use. So now the navigation buttons starts with his magnifying glass buttons, and it ends with another magnifying glass button. So all of these ones are used for some form of navigation. So first of all, we've got to move, so this is all in. Basically, bring the move hand or the move tool so you can simply move around. But like I said, it's a bit buggy for me in this programme. As you can see, if I move, it's actually moved already. If I just move a bit, then I'll only flip the day to what I've done. So, um, it's not my favourite method. Then next up here on the list, we've got the zoom in that if you click this, you will see it zooms in for us. But normally, most programmes we keep control or shift to alter one of those keys. Then you can zoom out. They see it's not the same with them over years. So that's why I say it's not quite my preference to navigate the design area using these buttons. To me, it feels a bit, uh, it's not too intuitive. So I prefer using my mouth middle button for panning and the amounts well for zooming in and out saying that it is relevant to a masked person. Then once I do use, however, is the show page, which is this one with the law, uh, file icon within the magnifying glass. If I've zoomed in and I want to go back and reset the design like so I can see the whole thing. I just collect show page. You ultimately do that for me. Then the next one is great out at the moment because we've got nothing selected. It says view data, which basically, if you select something and you click that, then it will centre that and scale it to fit within your design area the same way If I had to select this border as well. When I click that you'll see it readjusted, which is also quite a nice feature to use. Then we've got view old. So, um yeah, you can like, let's say I put a little QB at the bottom. Then I'm gonna leave you to select it, and then I click view all and then it's gonna show everything in the design area. So obviously the closer this is and I go view all it's gonna start narrowing down our design. That's also not a bad one. If you're working on the overall graphics only and then next up here, we've got show selected, which I would imagine it will be the same as new data. But this is actually you'll see if you you can. Now, if you left click with your mouse and drag, you can make a selection box so you can kind of you only what is within the selection. As you can see, I can do anymore and more so that is view selected. Like I said, in my personal opinion, I don't often use these first three as they were kind of productive. But in my opinion, like I said and then but the last four I like to use otherwise yeah, that is it. On the navigating with system bar, we had to adhere to You guys don't notice. We've got a variety of different software to to cover, and also you can isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find what you're looking forward just to hear, request a training video. Then we will make that for you. But otherwise, things guys watching and cheers 12:07:282024-12-27 10:54:32TruCUT RDWorks Design Navigation with the System Bar (Part 4) System Bar Mini-Series