SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Importing (PLT) Files (Part 5) Importing Files Video Mini-Series

flexistarter importing hpgl plt files
The PLT file format is a vector-based plotter file introduced by Autodesk, Inc. and contains information for Plotting a file.
The format is based on the HPGL file format which is used for sending information to plotter printers.
This video is part of a mini-series.
Next video covers Importing JPG files.
Previous video covered Importing PSD files.
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Video Transcript
How are you guys in today's video is a flexi starter. We're gonna be looking at importing PLT files, but let's start with a quick intro first so today's video can be found on Got zero? Uh, we do have a variety of different sources we cover, and also we upload videos daily so you can just get out there for the new content. Always read back in the programme. Now, just a reminder. This is a miniseries on the importing files, so I will leave relevant links in the description so you can follow along. So, like I mentioned today, we'll be looking at the P l T um file format. Now, this is quite commonly used in auto desk and so forth, and it's also it's kind of, uh, sending information to your plotter. So at the moment we have two different PLT versions to look at, so we've got the original and then we've got number two. Another way to recognise the format is, um, they might speak of Hbg l sparks, so they will actually be referring to the PLT file format. So if we start, there's two ways we can do this first We're gonna standard bar on top here and we can navigate to the import icon, which is a little stiffy. Looks like a save goes to a paper or what we can do is we go and file on top. We navigate to import. Then from the pop up menu we want to select from the files of type two Hbg l You'll see there's a many different file formats under there. So then, uh or rather the show. So the HP dash G l. That is actually the right one because it supports number two as well. So then these two files here. So we've got the h p g l so original and the H p d l two. So if we go to the first one we import, we'll see you give us an option here for the resolution and then steps per inch. I'm just I'll leave this on default import, and then we have your input parties, wires, lines without with now personally, in my opinion, I found with the first version whether I switched on or off, I don't see much of a difference. So if you click here, you can see I've switched it off, but it's still only wires. But perhaps there is some line with I'm not sure. So then, uh, next up, we have the version two. So we do the same thing far import, and we were am navigating number two and you'll see what interesting one Number two is Same options. Now I'll leave it on. So it's any wire frame. But now we actually have the falls, so I'm not 100% sure what's happening. Me. But what it comes down to is the version one doesn't seem to support any fills. And then the PLT version two you can say later version supports falls as otherwise. That is it. On the h p g l PLT file format. We navigate here to Godzilla. Today you guys will notice, Um, we have a variety of different software to cover. Like I mentioned earlier, you can also navigate, um, an isolated research on top of anything specific. If you don't find you're looking for just gotta requested training video, then we will make that for you. Otherwise, thanks, guys, for watching and cheers