FabriCAM Software Auto Nesting then Manual Placement (Part 12) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam nesting manual placement
When we are working with the Auto Nesting feature, there is two very important things to keep in mind with the order of the workflow.
Now in many cases but not all, you would want to use both Auto Nesting combined with Manual placements of shapes and parts.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Manual then Auto.
Previous video covered Manual VS Auto.
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Video Transcript
Hi guys. In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the work flow of using, um, auto nesting with manual placement, and this will be for fabric camp software. But before all of that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za. We make sure that easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have the updates. Otherwise we'll go back into the programme here. Now when it comes to the two of combining them, General good practise is going or investing in their manual placement. I'll show you guys in a later video why that is. But what you wanna do is first of all, make sure you have your, um, shape set to the correct Uh can I say placement format and they will be your auto. You want to make sure that they are set to quantity nesting and your manual you wanna put your manual placement so this is very important. If you want to combine the two just a quick recap. If you want to know where to find, that will go when you finally add your part. Here it is here on the top left, where we have quantity nesting, which is for auto nesting. And we have a manual quantity, which is for adding that, replacing them manually. So that's where you'll set that. So that is a very important point to point out or to note. And that is that these things need to be set correctly. And like I say, general practise or good practise will be you first got your nesting. You set this up the way you like. It may be a bit of spacing. Start this and then we can say except And then what you wanna do is you select your other part and then you start adding your shapes depending on where you actually want thing. So it would seem like it only wants to add one. Now, I think because I had this project open is having difficulty. But yeah, otherwise, that is the way you would do that. So you will first go and make sure. Like I said, your autos are said to or your nesting is set to quantity nesting and your manual placements are manual quantity. Do your nesting, then you go and manually Add your part afterwards But yeah, otherwise, that is it on the combining auto nesting with manual placements. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za. You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. Right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go here, request the training video filling the mini form and then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys, for watching and just