FabriCAM Software P1 Circle with Circle Cut Outs (Part 1) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam circle with circle
First on our list of Advanced Flat Parts is the P1 shape, this time instead of a Rectangle we will be using Circles.
Needless to say that when a part has five a more options to set that it gets a bit tricky to manage.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers P2 More Circle Cut Outs.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at part number one, and this will be our first part from our advanced flat parts. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za Today we make sure needs to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates otherwise, right back into the programme here. Now, like I mentioned, this is gonna be our first part from my advance part. If you just joined us for our intermediate parts, you will notice that the canvas is feeling rather empty. And, uh, yeah, so now let's see how many of these advancements we're gonna cover. But yeah, the first one is the first part on the actual flat parts. If we had flat parts, you can see a P one for part one. Click that. And then, as you can see over here, we've got five settings we can set. And if I zoom in on a little preview and you can see the little diagrams explain to us what does what now Some of these advanced things is a bit hard to read because of all the information. So I'm gonna quickly break it down for you guys. You have a good understanding of what? What? So now, first of all, we've got d one, which is the diameter of the overall circle. So the large circle now outside that is the one. Then we've got d to this will pretty much be the space between the little circles. How can I say how far these little circles are from the side, but spacing the insides of them? I'll show you guys a quick example as well. Once we're done here, then D three is the actual size of the circles inside the cutouts. Then we've got you, which is kind of the rotation and degrees of these circles, like where they're gonna be placed. I'll explain that as well, or show a demonstration. And then we've got n age six, which in our case, is for the number of amount. So you're on the right. We're gonna start with the one which I mentioned is that helpful Diameter? So let's go 300 the next up, we've got d two, so this will be the spacing. Uh, between these circles are not between them rather our father from the side. But in order to do that, I'm just gonna set the actual circle side. So I'm gonna make them 50 and then make this 150. So you can see that with this setting, it should, in essence, take the circle right to the edge, which you wouldn't want an actual design. But just to show you with measurements. Okay, Wait. Let's try that again. See if I missed something. 300. Okay, so this one should be 2. 50. There we go. So as you can see, this thing is right on the edge because we left no space. So in a real scenario, I would obviously add a bit of space here, so we'll maybe make this 200 review it. There we go. Now we know we've got, uh, 200 spacing between the circles in the centre, and then we've got over all 350 is our actual shape. Next up here, let's look at, uh, number. So I'm gonna set this to just so that it makes sense when we set the rotation. Got to preview. Now we can see it aligns exactly opposite of what they had. Three will start spacing them for spacing across. So now if we set the you which the degree amount So let's go. 45 the moments on zero. So now you can see instead of running horizontally Now it runs in a 45 degree angle. So yeah, that is it basically, on the, um, part one. Like I said, a bit more advanced, but just a quick recap. So D is for sitting with the two is for setting the distance between these circles on a horizontal and vertical plane. Then we've got the d three, which is the actual size of the cut out circles. And then we've got N h, which is the number of circles you wanna add and then you for the amount of the bridge you want to turn it. Obviously, the U becomes less important the more you have or the most cuts you have. So then, with that, I'm just gonna say, Okay, let's add one, and then quickly just throw this onto our canvas. So we've got it. Here we go part one of first advanced part. Otherwise, if we had to softwaretraining.co.za Today guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover, and you can also isolate your search on the top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos looking forward, just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the uniform. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks guys, for watching and just