FabriCAM Software Base Text Tool for CAD Feature (Part 1) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam cad base text tool
First up on the list of things to cover in regards to the Text Tool, will be the base overview.
The Text Tool is pretty easy to use, it only starts to get a bit more complicated when you are adding different sized Text.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers Text Tool – Size & Angle.
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Video Transcript
Alright, guys, In today's video, we're gonna be looking at the text tool for our cat feature and this will be four fabric camp software. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Otherwise, if we head into the programme here, So now I'm just gonna get into cad and yeah, this miniseries and it shouldn't be very long, but we're just gonna be looking at the text to so the text tool can be located next to our primitive shapes or our basic um, cat shapes. Over here, you can see we've got a little icon. It is text. Now, if we had to click, this will open up a few different options here which are going to be running through, and then on the right here, we've got a nice little preview showing, uh, giving you a kind of an idea of what's gonna be happening. But then, uh, yeah, so if I go and add text over here, So let's say we go. I'm just gonna make it taste cheques, and then we can see the size kind of 20. And I'm gonna leave everything else as is. And we can add this here to our actual canvas. Now, like with shapes, it is important that we want to go and click the positioning type. So I'm gonna go single positioning, click on the canvas and then choose which place it say, okay, And then they've got our text. I'm gonna zoom in. There is something to keep in mind with the text, like with a rectangle. Um, you can set it to the also, so it is set to the bottom left corner. Um, I don't think you can adjust this, so it's not that I'm aware of. So by default, it's gonna be bottom left, and then so keep that in mind. You have to align it according to that. And also, when it comes to the actual, uh, location of it, it won't be where your letter start like in the case of a T try. Imagine there's an imaginary block around this letter, especially if it's capital, and then it will be the bottom left corner. So if I go over here, that's about zero and zero on my, um, occasional identify. So yeah, otherwise, that is how you're going to be adding text. Um, yeah, We're gonna go through some more things about the size of that, how to calculate it more or less. And then, as you have been understanding of how that works, but yeah, otherwise, when it comes to the actual text, it works the same as the Like. I said, the basic shape you're gonna have to select it first filling it's information and then added with one of your positioning types. Then it will add your text, and you might have to do some adjusting. Um, I find I do at least have to do some adjusting. But the nice thing about the text tool, um, you might not necessarily use it for a cut out. So let's say you use it more as a placeholder, so you can put a text with relevant information on your actual project. And then what you do is you just delete the contours for the final cut. So then, when you're actually cutting your project, that won't cut the text art. But while you're working on the project that makes more sense so you can have relative relevant information on your actual project. But that's obviously just one way you can use it. This is, uh, there's multiple. Otherwise you can go about it, but yeah, otherwise that is it on the text for now. If we head here to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top, right? If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking for, just simply go. Yeah, request a training video filling the form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.