Tag Archive for: Points
TruCUT RDWorks Different Export Point Settings (Part 8) File Para Settings Mini-Series
Training Videos
With these settings that is located under the Export area, you will be able to set point locations and more.
Just keep in mind that some of these settings when enabled will require more resource power from the computer.
SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Edit Paths Points with (DC) (Part 16) Working with Paths Mini-Series
Training Videos
Being able to change the path points with the DesignCentral panel helps you to make those finer adjustments.
This video is part of a Mini-Series that covered all the different way to make, change and alter the paths.
Previous video…
SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Removing the Path Points (Part 13) Working with Paths Mini-Series
Training Videos
Being able to remove path points is great if you want to simplify or cleanup your paths.
When it comes to the process of removing or deleting path points, it is rather simple. There are two ways one can go about it.
This video…
SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Equal Space Between Path Points (Part 12) Working with Paths Mini-Series
Training Videos
Like with the aligning of path points, being able to add an equal space between points is of great help.
Even though this might not be relevant to all path points, you will notice that this is quite handy on more static type design.
SAi FlexiSTARTER Align Path Points Ver or Hor (Part 11) Working with Paths Mini-Series
Training Videos
Being able to align path points on both the Horizontal and Vertical planes is ideal for strict design requirements.
If you have worked with path points you should know by now how hard it can be to place multiple points perfectly aligned…
SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Selecting the Path Points (Part 7) Working with Paths Mini-Series
Training Videos
Being able to select path point in the program is key for making any custom shape changes to you path objects.
You might be happy to find out that the path point selecting feature has quite a few handy ways to go about when making…