FabriCAM Software Move Entries and Exits CAM ST (Part 6) Step by Step Video Tutorial
fabricam move entries exits cam
If you looking to perhaps cut down on production cutting time then you might want to adjust your Entries and Exits.
But it is important to understand that sometimes the default entries and exits that was created automatically, could run smother then adding them manually.
This video is part of a Mini-Series.
Next video covers CAM ST Add Microjoints.
Previous video covered Create Part Sequence Manually.
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Video Transcript
All right, guys, in today's video, we're going to be looking at how to move your entries and exits for your parts for the cam feature. But before that, let's have a quick intro first. So today's video can be found on softwaretraining.co.za z. We make sure an easy to watch problem solving videos. We also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're heading to the programme here now. Yeah, like I mentioned today, we're gonna be looking at your interests and exits. So this is pretty much when the cameras cutting, where it's gonna enter the shape where it's gonna start the shape and where it's gonna end it. So now, by default, that sets it up quite well. But you can obviously use this to try to optimise your workflow a little bit more, depending on the actual location of your shapes. I'm gonna keep this demo, however very simple. So I'm not gonna refine it too much. I'm just gonna pretty much be showing you how it works. So first of all, with a sheet already open, I'm going to just add a few shapes, so let's go. Great. If you triangles, I have 202 100 then I'm gonna go quantity nesting. Make this four. So ad, click nest. And then I've put a bit of a speed there. So it's space that so accept. And then I'm just gonna move this to the centre so we can nicely see the current setup. It's zooming here, but so now, currently, what's gonna happen if I go to camp and then I eat the actual N C button? We will see it comes in. It goes clockwise to from the top, right corner to the right. Top right corner does the same with the next block. Same with the next block. And then same with the last block. So all of them, the same process, they start by the top, right, Move around and there. So let's say I'm like I said, depending on your layout, you wanted to change this. Then you can always do that. So I'm gonna just do it may be a bit of a ladder effect just so you can see the difference. So I'm just gonna go out of camp and back into Cam, and then what you wanna do is select your shape that you want to start with, So I'm gonna start with our first shape. Zoom in here so we can see it nicely. And then we want to locate our entry and exit button, which is over a year, the little block or rectangle with two arrows going through it. I'm going to select this and then nothing will happen like no pop up blocks. But if you have to, um, hover your mouse to an edge, then you will see it actually updated. Now, you don't have to select a shape in order to change its entry and exit. But I find that sometimes nicely for a visual element so you can see what's happening. So as you can see, there goes to the mouse cursor. If I move away, we've got that black little arrow indicating where it's gonna be. So I'm gonna go and select just so we can see the bottom here. And as you can see it update, it's announce heading there then is heading to the top, right? So, like I said, I'm by no means gonna be optimising this. I'm really just showing you so we can get an idea of what's happened now I'm gonna select that same thing. Go on this cube and eat the bottom left corner as well. And then we can see that there's a bit of a ladder effect now, So I'm gonna just get a nice zoom level and then we preview it again. So now we can see comes in starts at the bottom left corner. Then it moves to the top right corner, then should go back to the bottom left corner and then to the top right corner. So, like I said, this can be a convenient feature if you have to want to optimise your workflow and, uh, but in general, the default that comes with us pretty good, Yeah, otherwise, that is it. On your entries and exits, it's rather simple. So just quick recap. You wanna make sure you are in your camp with shape selected, and then you head to the entries and exits and simply just click where you want the new entry and exit point on the contour or the line of your actual shape. Otherwise, if we had year to softwaretraining.co.za z, you guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares. We do cover. And you can also isolate your search on the top. All right, if you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, request the training video filling the mini form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers.