mhm. Okay, guys, in today's video, we're gonna be looking at how we can do a smooth zoom using your mouse and shortcut keys. But before that, let's have a quick intro first, so today's video can be found on We make sure and easy to watch problem solving videos, and we also have daily updates. Otherwise, we're back to the tutorial here now. In the previous video, we covered your mouse zooming with the mouse wheel and yeah, I gave you guys some practise to do to get a bit more competent. And then obviously in that zooming if you go, if I zoom in to the left here and I want to zoom out to the left, I have to go to the right and zoom out. So far, for some people, this might be a bit tricky to get used to the concept. So if you do not get used to the concept, this next zoom will definitely be the one for you. It is, um, it comes with its own limitations because of that, but in combination with a pan and so forth, you might feel very comfortable with it. So for this, uh, purpose, I'm just gonna use have our pan active. There is another way we're gonna be doing it in the next video just to make life a bit more simple. So now what you can do if you want to zoom in without having to use your mouse wheel, and they're navigating backwards in reverse. Then what you can do is you simply keep shifting and then you push your mouth wheel button so you don't well, it up and down. Just press the button, keep it in well, shifters in, and then you drag your mouse up and down. Then you can zoom in now, as you can see, it's a nice, smooth zoom where if we go to the mouse wheel quick, you see, it's quite jagged because this is based on the amount of, uh, I can say registry. It takes for every mouse turn or mouse wheel turn and set this and window to make it more smooth. But then scrolling on the Web and documents makes it a bit of a slip, so I would recommend getting used to the shift the middle mouse button. Now, like I said, The limitation is, this zooms to the centre of your view. So if I want to zoom into that corner, I keep shifting his middle mouse button and you'll see it zooms into the centre. And that's why I say this with a combination with your pan tool. It's great because you can compare it to the centre. Use your shift plus mouse wheel button, keep it in and zoom in. What should I say? Your middle mouse button. Then you can pan around, zoom out and, yeah, rotate. Now this is quite a convenient way. Like I said, if you're not comfortable with zooming in and having to zoom in the opposite directions out, then use this one. So just a quick recap again. You keep shifting. Hold your middle mouse button and then it will zoom to the centre of what you're on. So if you have your pants or selected, you can pan around Zoom pan. Yeah, don't rotate like me. Let's click, and then you pan. That brings us to our next video, which will be covering the actual pan with your mouth. How we go about that, because once you combine that with this type of smooth zoom. You will notice that it makes life way more simple, but yeah, otherwise, in the meanwhile, though, if we had your z You guys will notice we've got a variety of different Softwares we do cover. And you can also isolate your search on top of right. If you do not, however, find the training videos you're looking forward. Just simply go. Yeah, requested training, video filling the meaning form. And then we'll do our best to try and make that for you. But otherwise thanks, guys, for watching and cheers. 15:57:272024-12-04 12:22:22FabriCAM Software Smoothly Navigating with the Mouse (Part 9) Step by Step Video Tutorial