Tag Archive for: Tips & Tricks

TruCUT RDWorks Setting the Language of the Program (Part 10) Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

Most of the time you will be using the program in the default English language settings. When English is not your first language, or the program comes in a different default language, then this will be where to set it. This…

TruCUT RDWorks the Not Enough Extend Space Error (Part 9) Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

When you get the Not Enough Extend Space Error message, then that means your laser needs some space. The laser has a slowdown distance that it travels depending on its speed, and if there is not enough space for it to slow down, it…

TruCUT RDWorks a Reversed Laser Cutting Device (Part 8) Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

If the Laser Cutter is cutting the projects in reversed, then it can be fixed with a few settings. You will notice that some of these settings can be found on the Laser Cutting Machine, and some in the program itself. This…

TruCUT RDWorks The LCD Memory Overload Error (Part 7) the Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

getting the error message LCD Overload, means that you have too many files stored on the Machine Internal Space. In order to remove some files or even all of them, it can be done right in the program if your Laser Cutting Device (LCD)…

TruCUT RDWorks Remember when Using USBs and Downloads (Part 6) Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

You'll notice that when it comes to the USB and Ethernet, that there are things that is quite important. The two most important things to keep in mind when working with these features is the file format and also the name length. This…

TruCUT RDWorks Terminology that is Good to Remember (Part 5) Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

When it comes to the Terminology that we are going to be looking at, there's something to keep in mind. The thing to keep in mind is, that we are looking at a program that has its roots in an Asian company, so some of the translations…

TruCUT RDWorks About Editable Text (Part 4) the Tips and Tricks Step by Step Mini-Series

When it comes to the Text tool, there is a way to remove the text editable properties without knowing it. In this Video we will be looking at how we can on purpose remove the text editable state to try avoid doing it by accident. This…

TruCUT RDWorks Setting Up Import Locations (Part 3) the Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

Now when it comes to the default position of imported items and you want to change it, this video will show you how. We will also be looking at an alternative way to quickly change the position to any location on the design with the…

TruCUT RDWorks Working with Light Layers (Part 2) the Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

When you are working with light layers you will find that the design becomes quite unreadable and hard to see. With that being said, you'll notice that there are a few ways to go about making the visuals clearer and more understandable. This…

TruCUT RDWorks How Grouped Objects will get Cut (Part 1) Tips and Tricks Mini-Series

When you are working with cutting and the setup of that, then the cut order can be rather important. Know how your objects and shapes that are grouped together will be cut will help in the speed and process line of things. This…

TruCUT RDWorks (Mini-Series) Some Tips and Tricks to Remember, Video Index about these things

This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about some Tips and Tricks that you might not have known about the program.Index Below. Some these tips and tricks you might find that you already know, but some might surprise you when…