Tag Archive for: Redo
FabriCAM Software Basic Operations Using Undo and Redo (Part 1) Step by Step Video Tutorial
Training Videos
When we are looking some of the most important features that comes with digital systems, the Undo and Redo is very high on that list.
These two features are some of those when used enough you might find yourself with time thinking…
TruCUT RDWorks the System Bars Undo and Redo Buttons (Part 3) System Bar Mini-Series
Training Videos
Like most other programs, the Undo and Redo features are invaluable, so having easy access is great.
Being able to access these buttons on the System Bar is very useful, but I found that using the Shortcut keys instead is still the…
SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Software Being able to Undo and Redo Your Steps within the Program
Training Videos
This is one of those cool features which when working on Computers a lot, you tend to wish life had those very same quick access buttons.
I have found myself too often working on non-computer work and trying to undo my last move or…
VinylCut 5 Fixing Mistakes with the Undo & Redo Features, Step by Step Video Guide
Training Videos
The undo function is used to reverse a mistake, such as moving the wrong object or deleting the wrong shape.
Where the redo function restores any actions that were previously undone using an undo.