Tag Archive for: Dimensions

FabriCAM Software CAD Dimension Diametral Display Guide (Part 4) Step by Step Video Tutorial

Now that we have looked at most of the different Dimension tools available, we only have one left to cover. This last tool will be very similar to the Radial tool that we just covered, but with another take on the circular dimensions. This…

FabriCAM Software CAD Dimension Radial Measurement (Part 3) Step by Step Video Tutorial

Now that we have looked at the two points Dimension tools, lets have a look at the more circular ones. From the Circular Dimension tools available, we will be looking at the first one which will be the Radial tool option. This…

FabriCAM Software CAD Dimension Aligned Measurements (Part 2) Step by Step Video Tutorial

Now from our different Dimensions tool options that we have, we will be looking next at how to get those in-between angles. This will be a great tool if you looking at not only getting the height or width of and object, but also its…

FabriCAM Software CAD Linear Dimension Measurements (Part 1) Step by Step Video Tutorial

When it comes to the CAD Dimensions tool, we have a few great option to choose from when working with measurements. From these different options we will be looking at the Linear tool and display size first. This video is part…

Computer Aided Design Dimension Guides FabriCAM Software (Mini-Series) Video Index

This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about the CAD Dimensions Tool and its options.Index Below. When it comes to working with the Dimensions Tool, you are able to with the following options make a detailed meesurement preview. PART…