Tag Archive for: Delete

TruCUT RDWorks Delete, Mirror and Center Tools (Part 9) the Tool Draw Bar Mini-Series

These four tools that comes with the program is great to speed up those basic actions. You are able to access some of these features with hotkeys, but it is great to have them all in one universal location. This video is part…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Removing the Path Points (Part 13) Working with Paths Mini-Series

Being able to remove path points is great if you want to simplify or cleanup your paths. When it comes to the process of removing or deleting path points, it is rather simple. There are two ways one can go about it. This video…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Software How to go About Deleting and Removing Objects from Designs

When it comes to deleting objects and shapes, unlike most programs there are two hotkeys for doing that. The great thing about being able to use different ways to remove one’s objects and shapes from the design area, is that if…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Deleting and Removing Colors (Part 9) Swatch Tables Video Mini-Series

When you no longer need a color in your swatch table, or you've simply just added the wrong ones, deleting them will be the way to go. This video is part of a Mini-Series that covers the color swatch tables and how to use them with…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 the Deleting of Colors (Part 4) Color Specs Video Mini-Series

When it comes to Deleting Colors within the program using the Color Specs, it is a rather simple process. Often the trickier part to deleting colors from swatch tables, is remembering to save the swatch table with the new changes…

VinylCut 5 Add, Delete and Move Node Points (Part 2) the Shape Tool Video Mini-Series

Have you ever tried to Add, Remove or Move vector node points with no success? In this video we will be looking at a few ways and tips to be able to add, remove and move these points with more chance of success. This is part…

VinylCut 5 Software the How to on Duplicating and Deleting Layers, Step by Step Video

At times it can be useful to create an exact duplicate of an existing layer, or remove a specific layer. Duplicating Layers is a great way to save a lot of time in production when making assets, and to be able to delete layers will…