Tag Archive for: Shape Tool

VinylCut 5 Software (Mini-Series) the Shape Tool, a Video Index about this Feature
This video is part of a mini-series on using the shape tool and the Bézier curves in VinylCut.Index Below.
When it comes to vector type graphics and programs, being able to manipulate the vector shapes in one of the most important parts…

VinylCut 5 Software Shape Tool Overview (Part 1) the Shape Tool Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
Have you ever tried to edit your vector shapes but made more of a mess then good?
When it comes to editing vector points and nodes it can become quite complicated, so having some basic knowledge of what the tools features does is…

VinylCut 5 Add, Delete and Move Node Points (Part 2) the Shape Tool Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
Have you ever tried to Add, Remove or Move vector node points with no success?
In this video we will be looking at a few ways and tips to be able to add, remove and move these points with more chance of success.
This is part…

VinylCut 5 Software Control the Bezier Curves (Part 3) the Shape Tool Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
Controlling Bezier curves can be a tricky thing when making shapes and path curves.
Now with the Shape Tool you are able to make some more precise and finer changes to those Bezier curves and node points after the shape or path has…