Tag Archive for: Hotkeys
TruCUT RDWorks the Top Used Hotkeys (Part 5) Hotkeys Step by Step Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
When it comes to having to learn only a hand full of Hotkeys, these would be my recommendation to you.
I have found through the years of working in different programs, that there is normally only a hand full of Shortcut Key that you…
TruCUT RDWorks the Draw Menus Hotkeys (Part 4) Hotkeys Step by Step Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
Hotkeys for the Draw Menu is a place where you will find most of the Tools commonly used in the program.
Like with most Hotkeys, when you get familiar with them and then start to use them, you will find that it speeds up your process…
TruCUT RDWorks Hotkeys for the Edit Menu (Part 3) Hotkeys Step by Step Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
Within the Edit Menu, you will find a few Hotkeys that are great for basic operations within the program.
For those of you that are familiar with working in multiple programs, you will be glad to find that these Hotkeys are the same…
TruCUT RDWorks Hotkeys for the File Menu (Part 2) Hotkeys Step by Step Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
The Great thing about the Hotkeys located within the File Menu, is that they are quite universal throughout programs.
Some of these Hotkeys located within this menu will be more relevant than others, but that will all depend on your…
TruCUT RDWorks Hotkeys for the Main Menu (Part 1) Hotkeys Step by Step Video Mini-Series
Training Videos
When it comes to Menus, the Main Menu is by far the most important menu, as it contains all the option for the program.
With that being said, being able to navigate the Main Menu using Hotkeys is actually not as important as the menu…
TruCUT RDWorks (Mini-Series) the Shortcuts and Hotkeys, Video Index about the Options
TruCUT RDWorks
This is an index covering a mini-series of videos about the different Hotkeys within TruCUT RDWorks.Index Below.
When it comes to Hotkeys, it is by far one of the best ways to speed up ones workflow.
PART 1 - Hotkeys Main Menu
SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 Hotkeys when Making Shapes (Part 5) Working with Shapes Mini-Series
Training Videos
When you making or editing shapes within FlexiSTARTER there's a few hotkeys one can use for containing shapes.
This method can be quite cool when you working with rectangles and ovals and would like to turn them to squares and circles.