Tag Archive for: Fill Stroke Editor

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 (Mini-Series) the Fill and Stroke Editor, Video Index about this Feature

This is an index covering a mini-series on understanding and using the Fill and Stroke Editor.Index Below. The Fill and Stroke Editor is a tool used to make most of the major changes to all the fills and strokes within the design. PART…

SAi FlexiSTARTER the Fill Tab for the (FSE) (Part 1) Fill and Stroke Editor Mini-Series

Adding or removing fill colors for shapes and objects, when you use the Fill/Stroke Editor it will give you the most options. There is a few different options that can be found under fill tab, but what do they do and mean? This…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 the (FSE) Stoke Tab (Part 2) Fill and Stroke Editor Mini-Series

Similar to the Fill Tab under the Fill/Stroke Editor, you are able to manipulate the settings of Strokes within this tab. There are a number of different options for this Tab, from the more basic one like changing color and thickness,…

SAi FlexiSTARTER Stroke Style and Extra Options (Part 3) Fill and Stroke Editor Mini-Series

The stroke styles are great if you want to make custom cut lines for the final design within FlexiSTARTER. From the extra options, there is a great that one if you're looking at transforming an object that has a stroke and would like…

SAi FlexiSTARTER 19 the Transparency Tab (Part 4) Fill and Stroke Editor Mini-Series

The Transparency Tab as you can only imagine, has the option to set objects opacity, but what else does it contain? When it comes to the second option which can be found under the Transparency Tab, this feature is most commonly associated…